19 ideas to sell to mighty PANK aunts

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According to the fertility census of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Inegi ), a third of women of childbearing age – between 15 and 49 years old – are not interested in having a child. Whether seeking career growth, taste, sexual orientation, or health, these childless women can still represent clients for children’s businesses. The reason? His nephews.

The Professional Aunt No Kids ( PANK for its acronym in English) or Professional Aunts Without Children, are independent women with purchasing power who, by not choosing the path of motherhood , decide to spend on their nephews, with little limitation for the price of the products or services that they demand. “I am not sorry to give everything I can to my sister’s children. On the other hand, she and her husband cannot give it to them because they have to pay for schools, meals and so on, ”says Alma Infante de León, art restorer and aunt of four children. In addition, they are willing to fulfill the wishes of the little ones, who sometimes function as a cathartic means for them to fulfill their unfulfilled childhood whims.

The PANKs seek a close family coexistence where they can pamper the children and return home without having fixed obligations to them. “Whether by decision or impossibility, these women replace the affection of their children with that of their nephews, they take them for a walk, a trip, buy them fast food or spend the afternoon playing with them”, says Roberto Valdés Tena, expert in advertising. Their habits also include acquiring children’s products and services such as entertainment centers, clothing and toys, as well as enjoying their own luxuries such as spas and comprehensive gyms that pamper them as professional women.

Take into account that this market is not limited to a social class nor is it exclusive to gender. “For women it is instinctive to seek that affection and although men are less babysitters, with the change in roles at work and at home they could become closer to the little ones”, Valdés analyzes. Hence the male part of this target market is Professional Uncles No Kids (PUNKs) or Professional Uncles Without Children.

1. Children’s clothing

According to data from the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry ( Canaive ), the children’s textile industry market in Mexico reaches $ 8 million and each year it grows by around 3%. Address the clothing needs of PANKs nephews with a children’s clothing store that offers clothing for all occasions, from formal dresses to basics such as jeans, T-shirts and underwear, as well as accessories and shoes. The age of your target market ranges from two to 12 years old. Make alliances with Mexican manufacturers or offer an independent brand to have an added value in your offer.

2. Restaurant with fun

It offers an unforgettable experience for the whole family in a restaurant with gourmet food and a space for the little ones to have fun. Create a menu with specific foods for children – like hamburgers, chicken fingers and pizza – in fun presentations that include fruits and vegetables, as well as food that adults enjoy. Make sure the play area has attractions for ages three to 12: from pre-made houses and games to air tables and video games. Hire a person to supervise the children.

3. Fit aunts

The change of habits to seek a better quality of life is present in the Mexican population. Figures from the International Health and Sports Centers Association ( IHRSA ) indicate that the gym market in Mexico gained ground with a growth of 18% in 2012. Join this trend with a gym that not only has exercise equipment. training, but includes nutrition counseling services, specialized individual trainers, and experts in sports injury care.

4. Family vacations

According to the National Tourist Confederation ( CNT ), domestic tourism (which travels within their country of origin, including travelers with children) will reach 165.1 million tourists this year. For those who travel with their nephews, create packages that include visits to entertainment centers, tickets to children’s shows and cultural and educational visits. Whether in beach destinations or without access to the sea, keep in mind that these consumers seek to pamper the little ones but also have fun, so you should include attractions for adults.

5. Treasure hunt

As entertainment for a party or as a scheduled activity with children, treasure hunts will appeal to those who want to have fun with their loved ones outside, rather than sitting around playing video games or locked in movie theaters. Organizing them requires agreements with public or private parks, the design of a map and tracks to take users on an adventure. At the end, you will reward the attendees who win the contest. Create packages with different themes such as history, cartoons or pop culture.

6. Home repairs

For professionals who are focused on their work and have little time to maintain their home, it offers a comprehensive repair service with personnel trained to solve masonry, plumbing and electrical problems. You can offer the services yourself or hire experts to expand your response capacity. Build specialized packages like Doctor Solution does, which offers protections for child safety.

7. Cooking classes for children

Taking an extracurricular course helps children connect with more people, exploit their creative skills, and have fun. An activity that in addition to being educational will help to reaffirm the bond between uncles and nephews are cooking classes aimed at children. It offers culinary workshops for the little ones in which their aunts participate and puts together a menu with simple recipes that do not require the use of knives – the cost of supplies must be included in the cost. You will need a space with a kitchenette and bars where the children can work, as well as small aprons to take care of their clothes.

The Professional Aunts Without Children are independent women with purchasing power / Image: Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

8. Night decoration

An attractive idea for children is decorated ceilings to resemble the night sky, so that they can see the stars from the safety of their room or play camp. Offer this service at home in your part-time, taking orders through the Internet, as Royal Stars does, which has a system that does not use paint or labels to decorate the ceilings, resulting in a finish with movement and third-party perception. dimension.

9. Reading club

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ), 70% of the population between 12 and 17 years old could be interested in reading. Participate as a promoter of this activity among the children’s public by organizing reading clubs. Make arrangements with coffee shops, local libraries, or parks to hold weekly meetings and charge an attendance fee. You can also work with publishers to get books at a lower price. Invite special characters to do public readings and spend time with families who attend.

10. Children’s gyms

Start a fun business and in favor of the health of the little ones. With the idea of improving their coexistence skills, making them autonomous and improving their self-esteem, children from seven to 10 years old can spend time in centers of physical activation and fun. You will need an upholstered space with mats that includes foam pools, rigid or inflatable slides, and trampolines. Staff must be trained to interact with users. Set up an area for adults or companions, such as an Internet cafe, to wait while the children have fun.

11. Laser tag centers

Dark rooms with obstacles, walls and trenches, neon lights, modern music, protective gear, and laser guns result in a fun battlefield for children and adults. According to data from the United Nations Fund ( Unicef ), one in three Mexican adolescents between 12 and 19 years old is overweight or obese. This business model helps combat these figures and encourage family activities. Organize special corporate events or children’s parties to complement the income of your company.

12. Beauty for girls

Pampering nieces is one of aunts’ favorite activities and they can do it with a girls spa. The idea is that you allow the little ones to experience the services that they would receive in a business of this type as adults: pedicures, massages, manicures, makeup and hairstyles. It can be an exclusive experience for the girl or as a couple with her aunt, or for groups that want to celebrate a birthday. It also offers princess costume or makeup services for special occasions.

13. Cafeteria

A coffee shop selling books is attractive to those looking to relax and have fun, and adding a children’s book area will attract more customers. Delimit this area by painting the walls with bright colors or fairy tale motifs and placing suitable furniture to invite children to read or color while drinking drinks in spill-proof containers. Your cafeteria will work like any other, but don’t forget to include dishes with portions suitable for children and a child supervision service.

14. Walls to climb

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Inegi ), 43.8% of the Mexican population is physically active and spends around four hours a week in a sporting activity. Serve this market with a fun and exciting alternative: a climbing wall. You can start a mobile business model to transport it to special events and parks, or have a fixed place to work it. It offers two levels – children and adults – to multiply your customers. Hire specialized instructors and don’t skimp on your users’ safety and equipment.

15. Mountable for shopping centers

Accompanying adults to a shopping mall may not be as much fun for children, but strolling the aisles in jungle animals, rather than taking a long walk from store to store, could change the situation. It offers the rental of mountable – electric or impulse – with figures such as giraffes, elephants, bears, cats, etc. in shopping malls or at children’s parties, school events and fairs. Consider that electric models have security measures to schedule the time of use and prevent theft of the units.

A third of women of childbearing age –between 15 and 49 years old– are not interested in having a child / Image: Tatiana Rodriguez via Unsplash

16. Biodegradable T-shirts

Join the green trend by selling biodegradable garments. Either through the Internet or in a physical store, make sure you have new designs that are in line with current movies and / or television series, for which you must apply for a commercial use license. Another good idea is to let your clients design their own shirts. Make sure you partner with a sustainable textile supplier and use durable but environmentally friendly products.

17. In fashion

Women dedicated to their careers seek a careful and professional image. Help them with an offer of comfortable, accessible shoes and accessories that complement their daily clothes. Even if you start with a small inventory, be sure to include the current season’s colors and trends. Look for concessions with companies or producers dedicated to the sale of footwear to reduce your working capital costs. Don’t forget to renew your offer every four months and accept electronic orders and payments.

18. Recreation center

A family entertainment center is a good option to attract teenage nephews, as it can include everything from rides, attractions and shows to a bowling alley or an ice rink, as well as a snack area and one to redeem prizes for each activity won. Make sure you have the most dynamic games for users to be entertained, partnerships with developers, employees who monitor good customer behavior, and healthy and attractive food for the whole family.

19. Personalized toys

Your offer has to be focused on the process, not the product. Hire cut fabric suppliers for the doll’s skin, clothing, accessories, and stuffing. The goal is for children to choose each aspect of their new friend and help in the creation process. As a bonus, offer them a birth certificate and seasonal products. You can also take the service to children’s parties, organize the celebration within your premises or visit family gathering centers such as sports clubs.

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