The three institutions account for almost 50% of all complaints against banks. 33% of the claims are for charges not recognized via the internet.
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30, 2021
3 min read
The most recent report of the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) , reveals that during 2020 there were 6,755,315 complaints , of which 94% were against banks . The institutions with the most complaints were Banorte , Santander and Citibanamex , which accounted for almost 50% of bank complaints.
In total, 6,333,495 complaints were filed against banks and half of these (3,120,139 or 49.26%) were against only three institutions:
- Banorte – 1,099,024
- Santander – 1,068,010
- Citibanamex – 953,105
The main causes of complaint in the Condusef were:
- Unrecognized consumptions via internet: 33% – 2,085,062 complaints
- Unrecognized consumption: 22% – 1,387,498 complaints
- The ATM does not deliver the requested amount: 6% – 364,640 complaints
– CONDUSEF (@CondusefMX) March 30, 2021
The agency highlights that, according to the User Service Performance Index (IDATU) , the Banks sector was the best positioned, with a rating of 9.21. In this sense, the banks that best treat their clients were: HSBC (9.75), Banco Azteca (9.72) and Banco Inbursa (9.69).
In the analyzed period, the percentage of Favorable Resolution of the Banking sector was 36.1% . The banks that resolved the most in your favor were: Citibanamex with 58.8%, Banregio with 47.2% and BBVA with 42.9%.
Regarding the average response time , the banks that take the longest to resolve claims are: Scotiabank (23 business days), Citibanamex (22 business days), and Banorte (21 business days).
Insurers and Afores are not free of complaints
After banks, the rest of the complaints went to Insurers , with 72,649 claims (1.1%) , followed by Afores with 25,089 complaints (0.4%) .
In the Afore sector, the institutions with the most complaints were:
- Citibanamex Afore : 16,840
- Aztec Afore : 2,694
- Afore XXI Banorte : 1,423
– CONDUSEF (@CondusefMX) March 30, 2021
The main causes of claims against the Afores were:
- Processing request not attended or not completed: 61% (11,246)
- Disagreement with withdrawal amount: 12% (2,185)
- Disagreement with the information received: 9% (1,760)