VIDEO: Thus the hail caused the collapse of the roof of the Templo Mayor

Although the rain was long awaited to combat the drought in the country, the storm caused the fall of the metal structure on the Casa de las Águilas.

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29, 2021

3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

This story originally appeared on México Desconocido

By Rodrigo Osegueda

The heavy rains accompanied by hail at sunset this Wednesday caused the collapse of the platform that covered the Casa de las Águilas in the Archaeological Zone of the Templo Mayor in the Historic Center of Mexico City . There are no reports of people injured inside the building, reported Leonardo López Lujan, director of the Templo Mayor Project.

The 250-meter metal structure collapsed due to the weight of the hail, which accumulated on top. The fire brigade and the Secretariat of Citizen Security are already working in the Templo Mayor to raise the structure.

Only one injured guard is reported in the area, however it is not serious. According to López Luján, in the next few hours the count of the damages will be released, as well as the losses that the archaeological zone may have suffered.

The historian also commented that he feared mainly for the decoration of pre-Hispanic origin sheltered under the structure . He also commented that the head of restoration was about to arrive at the site in order to avoid further damage.

The Neotoltec-style House of the Eagles in the area of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlán. “It dates from the 15th century AD and is famous for its polychrome benches and murals. Inside we find the so-called eagle warriors and the images of Mictlanltecuhtli ”, added López Durán.

During his last report, López Luján mentioned that damage to the walls and some exiting stones are visible, “but not a major damage considering the total collapse of the roof.”

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