How to Modernize Your Marketing

Ben Rosenfield, an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience across the real estate, technology development, and consumer product industries shares how companies can modernize their marketing.

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1, 2021

2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Ben Rosenfield has spent the majority of his career serving as the bridge from the analog to the digital world. “I was born in 1980, so when I started working, I was the kid with the lemonade stand that sold Ginsu knives and Scholastic newspapers, going door to door and learning how to do sales.” Those early experiences helped him prepare for the inception of computers and technology. “I was really there to understand how technology can help sales and the reach of who I was trying to sell products to. I was doing that at a pretty young age, and some of my first companies really started to leverage the analog world of how do you pick up the phone and dial for dollars. But then as the companies were maturing, really, how do we bring in technology to create some efficiencies within those processes?”

Today, Rosenfield runs two businesses with the same workforce. Transformation, a nutritional supplements company, and AER, which produces a cordless hairdryer. Both companies share a distributed workforce in 10 different states and four countries.  

Rosenfield sat down with Jessica Abo to share how entrepreneurs can modernize their marketing.

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