Elections 2021: These are the results of the voting in Mexico

According to the quick count, Morena would obtain between 190 and 203 delegations.

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7, 2021

2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

This story originally appeared on Alto Nivel

The adviser president of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Lorenzo Córdova , gave results of the quick count provided by the Technical Advisory Committee, and that give a majority to the ruling party, Morena, in the Chamber of Deputies.

According to the results of the quick count: Morena would obtain between 190 and 203 delegations , counting by relative majority and those of proportional representation (multi-member).

The National Action Party (PAN) would be the second political force in the country obtaining between 106 and 117 deputies, followed by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) between 63 and 75 seats, while the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) would remain between 12 and 21 councils.

In this way, Morena would maintain the majority in the Chamber of Deputies, although it would not have a qualified majority yet with its allied parties, the PT (between 35 and 41 deputies) and the PVEM (between 40 and 48), so it would have to negotiate with the other parties to carry out constitutional reforms.

The Citizen Movement would obtain between 20 and 27 seats in the lower house.

President Counsel Lorenzo Córdova recalled that these quick count results are only to provide timely information and are preliminary in nature, while the official count will begin on Wednesday, June 9.

According to the INE’s Technical Advisory Committee, citizen participation in these midterm elections was between 51.7 and 52.5%.

Mexico held the largest elections in its history today, in which it was voted by the Chamber of Deputies, 15 state governorships, local congresses and city councils in 30 states of the Republic.

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