Now there are exclusive seats for vaccinated people in publicly accessible places in the United States

One of the new trends in restaurants, bars and clubs is reserving seats for vaccinated people.

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10, 2021

2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Exclusive seats for vaccinated people are becoming a trend in several cities in the United States , especially in New York. The places where these types of reservations begin to be made are restaurants, bars and nightclubs . Therefore, those already vaccinated will not have to see the Plexiglas barriers on the tables.

State regulations prohibit places with fewer than 250 people from requesting proof of vaccination . However, experts mention that these places do not make so much sense, since anyone can enter and say that they are vaccinated just to access the exclusive seats.

Stephanie Silvera , epidemiologist , professor of public health and expert in social distancing at Montclair State University, explains that people continue to be vulnerable to contracting COVID-19 if they are in a small space where some sanitary measures are no longer imposed, thus that the mask will never cease to be indispensable.


In the same way, other health experts emphasize that people not yet vaccinated continue to have the same risk of contagion despite social distancing or segregation in a closed place. Many businesses agree with these statements , they mention that they only create these special areas for vaccinated with the aim of making them go back in time to when the pandemic did not exist.

The founder of Comedy Club Carolines , a place located in the heart of Times Square and one of the first in the segregation of people, asks that people show an Excelsior Pass to enter. If not, they ask for the vaccination letter or rely on the honor system. During the shows, the comedian has to keep a distance of three meters from the audience.

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