Top10 of the most loved brands in Latin America after the pandemic

16, 2021

6 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

No one can deny that the COVID-19 pandemic and sanitary restriction measures changed, among many other things, the way we engage with brands. Social networks like TikTok have made certain companies become closer to the millennial and Z generations to earn their preference.

With this in mind, Talkwalker,   A global listening and analysis company for social networks and the Internet, in alliance with Interbrand , carried out a study in Latin America to find out which are the 10 most beloved iconic brands in the region after the pandemic.

“Brand love is one of the criteria that enables a brand to be considered iconic, a complex metric to measure. In this report we will present the 10 most beloved iconic brands in Latin America during the last year and explain the criteria that we have used to determine what it means to be an iconic brand and a brand loved or loved by consumers, “the study says.

The most beloved iconic brands in Latin America

According to the Talkwalker and Interbrand study, the most recognized brands were those that managed to establish a connection with the consumer despite distancing themselves.

“To generate brand love, you must focus more on the customer. Understand what matters to your consumers and incorporate it into your marketing strategy. These are some of the methods we use to identify brands that create connections with their audience.” says the study.

The most loved brands in Latin America are:

1. Natura


“Natura is an iconic and beloved brand in the region, which since its foundation has had a clear purpose: to produce cosmetics that can carry a message of sustainability and triple impact (economic, social and environmental) to every part of the world. Brazilian, was born with the mission of ‘promoting – well-being – harmonious relationships of the individual with himself, with others and with nature’ ”.

2. Nike


“Nike connects with all athletes in the world, regardless of age, life stage, gender, race, culture, abilities and preferences. Additionally, Nike has proven to be a brand that has influenced and become part of the culture, evidenced by the closeness that consumers have with the brand, making it part of their daily lives, using it as a form and platform of expression “.

3. Lego


“His source of inspiration is children and he knows that the future of the world depends on them; therefore, his mission is inspired to support their growth, development and learning through fun. Over time he has managed to transcend this audience successfully, as it currently appeals to a multi-generational audience. “

4. McDonald’s


“Since its inception, McDonald’s proposal was based on 4 fundamental pillars that they maintain to this day, providing their customers with quality, service and cleanliness at a good price. And following this idea, the brand has managed to guarantee a consistent experience and accessible globally. Its mission is not only to serve accessible food but to enable moments that make us feel good “

5. Apple


“Apple believes in changing the status quo, in offering a different way of thinking, a different way of seeing and understanding things in the world around us, and it demonstrates this by developing innovative, well-designed, simple and easy-to-use products. Products that set a new course, that break barriers, that seek to transform the way of seeing and living the world “.

6. Netflix


“Constant innovation and agility have characterized the brand, there are even signs that indicate that we will soon be seeing this giant beyond traditional entertainment, expanding its offer to the world of video games.”

7. Rappi


“Rappi, the Colombian brand that began in 2015 as a home delivery platform, has gradually diversified and become the Latin American super app where supermarkets, restaurants, clothing stores, financial services, entertainment, travel, money coexist. cash and more – strengthening with each new vertical its motto ‘If you have Rappi you have everything’ “.

8. Spotify


“Spotify manifests its iconicity and manages to position itself as one of the most beloved brands by taking a definite position against some of the current social claims in the continent. In March 2021, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Equal was launched, an initiative aimed at promoting the dissemination of music created by women, who, as in many other areas, face strong inequality “.

9. Google


“Google has influenced culture at such profound levels that there are studies that analyze how our thinking has changed since the invention and popularization of Google. The company has become such an important reference within Latin society that we colloquially ‘google’ everything that we do not know. “

10. Free Market

Image: Free Market

“Its ability to adapt has earned it a remarkable growth that exceeded market expectations in the last quarter of 2020 and that support countless success stories (SMEs, among the most prominent) or people who were able to access different products of need primordial in a pandemic social context “.

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