They improve the quality of life of Mexican families in food vulnerability

23, 2021

5 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Sustainability has always been essential to the culture of Grupo Herdez. It is the basis to ensure their permanence, contributing to the well-being of people, communities and the planet. For this reason, in 2012 the company became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, one of the most important global initiatives on sustainability issues, and gave life to Saber Nutrir .

Saber Nutrir transforms the lives of children and families in food vulnerability, giving them the tools to have a balanced and self-sufficient diet. The program provides training and support to reinforce Food Security projects, aligned with three of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, and Decent Work and Economic Growth.

This year, Saber Nutrir was recognized in the report of The Mexican Companies by the 2030 Agenda , of the Global Compact. “This recognition reaffirms that we are taking steps correct and generating positive impacts for communities in Mexico, at the same time add to a global agenda for the welfare of everyone , ” said Hector Hernandez Pons, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Grupo Herdez.

For her part, Eugenia Ortiz Rubio, Manager of social responsibility and corporate services of Grupo Herdez, pointed out, “Saber Nutrir has clear goals, such as continuing to promote marketing projects in the Mazahua area and food security projects in Yucatán during 2021 and with this will transform the lives of many families, not to mention the support of the Grupo Herdez brands and our ally Fundación Pro Mazahua ”.

Courtesy: Herdez

To carry out these actions, Saber Nutrir also has the support of agronomists, nutritionists and promoters who are members of the community, who train and support the beneficiaries, monitoring the projects so that they operate correctly. In addition, annually, Grupo Herdez collaborators join these teams for the installation and maintenance of projects through volunteer days.

The main strength of Saber Nutrir is to provide communities with the tools and training necessary for their development . In this way, it generates confidence and security in the families of the communities to get ahead.

So far, Saber Nutrir has trained 30 communities with 1,818 projects in total.

In San José del Rincón, State of Mexico, according to the baseline compiled in 2013 and compared with the last nutritional evaluation carried out in November 2020, the percentage of children with healthy nutritional status increased from 23% to 35%, obesity decreased from 4% to 1% and overweight is found in 9% of the child population evaluated. Without a doubt, the most important achievement in 2020 was the 10% decrease in child malnutrition.

In the last year, the response of the Mazahua community to the program’s commercialization projects has had extraordinary results, with the participation of 43 families in 30 projects for the commercialization of tomatoes, strawberries, sheep and turkeys obtained a profit in 6 months of $ 750,000. The sheep module was the star project.

With a clear and demonstrated impact, Saber Nutrir is the promise for a better world for Mexican communities and families. “Without a doubt this year has been significant for the program, as we have been able to start new projects, such as“ Food security for Mayan families in southern Yucatán ”, in the communities of San Simón, Choyob and Yax-ha, in the municipalities from Santa Elena and Muna. With this new project, 68 families will benefit with the installation of 10 modules for the production of eggs and backyard poultry, 20 modules for the production of vegetables, 24 cisterns with rainwater catchment and 14 sanitation and hygiene systems ”pointed out Eugenia Ortiz Rubio.

Courtesy: Herdez

With the above, it is undeniable that the impact of the sustainable economy is of great value to the communities. Some of them start with a minor project, and from there they grow until the entire community becomes sustainable. Saber Nutrir will continue its work, which is strengthened with the donations and purchase of products from Grupo Herdez brands, supported by Mexicans committed to the well-being of families and children who need it most.

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