Heriberto Medina took advantage of the growth of pandemic couriers to start his business: CorreoShop

After 20 years of experience in logistics business, Heriberto decided it was time to start his own project. It joined brands such as FedEx and Estafeta to facilitate users’ shipments and give them more options and services.

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28, 2021

5 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

ShipmentShop is a multi-brand courier franchise that has shipping and parcel services in different cities in Mexico. Heriberto Medina has been working in courier for 20 years. According to the Mexican Online Sales Association (AMVO), the growth of electronic commerce has been 81%, so it was the ideal time to start a national shipping business. It started operating half a year ago and to date they already have 22 franchises: one in Querétaro, one in Culiacán, one in Mérida and the other 19 in Guadalajara.

This franchise works with popular services like FedEx and DHL. He is currently building a network of franchises throughout the country. The required premises are easy to set up and small, you only need about 30 square meters and EnvioShop helps you find it. They have an electronic system that facilitates the connection between all the franchises and a quote that knows the cost of each tour, the only thing that is needed is the password.

Entrepreneur en Español (EN): How did you make the decision to start SentShop?

Heriberto Medina (HM) : As of the pandemic, the issue of messaging had an exponential growth, in the case of Estafeta specifically, in April a year ago the service was greatly saturated due to the increase in electronic commerce. People were locked in their house. I decided to use that situation and start talking with other companies that I had never worked with. I spoke with FedEx, we started with DHL, UPS, Parcel Express, RedPack and Estafeta were incorporated.

EN: What would you say is the differentiator of CorreoShop that has made it grow so fast?

HM: The experience and the cost of the franchise. ShipmentShop is worth 190,000 pesos, but you must have a budget of about 240,000 pesos because you have to put the equipment that we tell you through a well structured and detailed manual. We are taking care of the image; You have to pay 190,000 pesos of franchise cost and more or less 150,000 to equip the store with the terms that we give you. The owner can invest and, from Cancun with a margarita in hand, he can be watching what is happening in his store from his cell phone. You just have to know how much you sold, pay the purchase cost, the rent and that’s it. You just need two people to be able to operate, to know what can be sent and what not.

EN: What would you say to an investor so that they bet on CorreoShop?

HM: For the concept and the ease. If I buy an El Globo bakery franchise, for example, I must have a very complex process to see how I am going to do to have warm and fresh breads every day. You must have an inventory, you will have losses, food that is spoiled, your business will be consuming electricity because you have to keep the products refrigerated. There is no inventory of anything here. You sell and a month you have a corporate loan. It is the ease that you do not need inventory because you are going to charge something before paying for it. People who have already opened are operating quietly.

Photo: Courtesy CorreoShop

EN: Is there any kind of training?

HM: Yes, there are three days of training from nine to six in the afternoon in Guadalajara. The people who have to go are the ones who are going to serve at the counter, it is not necessary for the owner to come, but so far everyone has come. During the training you are given the users and accesses. The person arrives at his franchise and opens it; what was taken from here works there. Everything is electronic.

EN: How long does it take to recover the investment?

HM: If they do what is necessary, which is to publish their store on Facebook or Instagram, they can recover it in 12 to 18 months maximum because they are finding their balance point in the second or third month.

EN: At this moment, how many units do you plan to open?

HM: I have the goal of reaching 50 by the end of the year. I already have recurring buyers. There is one person from the franchisees who already has the third store and there is another who already wants the second and says they want to open 10 this year because they see the business working. You can have sales of 2,000, 3,000 and 5,000 thousand pesos. One of them had a shipment of 21,000 pesos the other day and was left with 11,000 in profit.

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