Can I vote on June 6 if I have COVID-19?

Next June 6 is the largest elections in the history of Mexico, despite the COVID pandemic. Voting is your right, don’t forget it.

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4, 2021

3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Brought to you by Milenio

The largest elections in the history of Mexico are yet to come, this June 6 , so you should already know the polling place you should attend and the available candidates. If not, visit the INE website so that your vote is informed . For this electoral process, 1,400,000 people were trained to be polling station officials.

Due to the pandemic, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has created a health protocol to guarantee the safety of all, since the attendance of 93 million 500 thousand people is estimated. At the same time, through their YouTube channel they released a video with some health recommendations for next Sunday.

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Christian Flores Garza , the INE’s director of electoral training, in an interview with Milenio , assured that the protocol contemplates the risk that anyone can carry the virus and that it seeks to minimize contagion. On the other hand, if someone does present symptoms of COVID-19, they can go to vote , as long as they respect all the health measures.

In the event that someone decides not to attend to vote, the official comments that this is a personal decision , so everyone has the right not to do so, whether or not they have coronavirus . “We live in a democratic system where elections are held periodically. However, due to this specific health emergency condition that is occurring, unfortunately it could prevent us from voting, and in that sense that decision would prevail,” he explained .

On the other hand, Ciro Murayama Rendón, counselor of the institute, asked those who are infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, at this time, not to leave their homes, this in order to avoid more infections.

Without a doubt, it will be an individual decision of each citizen.

What will the protocol be like in the electoral elections?

An essential part of the protocol, supervised by the polling station officials, is the mandatory use of mouth covers when entering. There will be signs on the floor for voters to maintain a distance of one point five meters . Each person will clean the surfaces with which they have contact, taking into account that the officials will do periodic cleaning. You only have to show your voter credential to avoid contact and finally, it is important that you bring your own pen.

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