Cinemas will reopen on March 1 in Mexico City and Edomex

Starting next Monday, Cinépolis theaters and independent cinemas will reopen, but not Cinemex.

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February 25, 2021 3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Authorities from Mexico City and the State of Mexico gave the green light for the reopening of movie theaters starting next Monday, March 1 in both entities. However, only the Cinépolis complexes and independent cinemas will be operational again.

“They already told us that it will be possible to open on Monday, but we are asking that they let us open from tomorrow (Friday) to take advantage of the weekend and three days will not make a difference (at the authority level) but to us , ” confirmed Tábata Vilar Villa , director of the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry .

“Hospitalization has been decreasing, it is lower than when we opened last year (in August), but we will wait to see what they say, they will let us know if we can open tomorrow ,” added Vilar Villa.

For its part, the Cinemex chain announced that they plan to reopen until next May or June. This week, the company disabled both its website and its app to purchase tickets, after confirming the definitive closure of several rooms in the Mexican Republic.

“With the local authorities we have been in constant communication so that they see that the characteristics of the cinemas are different from others such as restaurants. If you think of cinemas it looks like a closed place, but they have height in the ceilings, there is a change of air, there is no interaction between people, they come forward. There have been several studies in the world where it is established that there are no contagions in cinemas ”, pointed out the director of the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry.

All theaters in the country closed in March 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and reopened in August with strict sanitary measures. However, they lowered the curtain again last December, when the red light was decreed in both states.

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