Combine your passions and skills with digital tools to have a different business

The creativity of an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur knows no limits, and offering your clients a plus or something unique can make a big difference.

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5, 2021

5 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Throughout our country, we can find multiple stories of women entrepreneurs who have decided to face new and exciting challenges at the hand of their own business, where the wave of digitization that we are experiencing has become an unprecedented opportunity to boost your online presence and expand the reach of your startup to be closer to your customers.

There is no better way to start a business than by combining your passions and skills, and an example of this is Areli, a day-to-day entrepreneur from Mexico City. She is a passionate designer, who in 2016 started Vocablo , a unique themed cafe located in the Roma Norte neighborhood, where she has perfectly combined her love for coffee with two of her passions: poetry and design.

Areli grew up surrounded by poetry, a love she inherited from her father, and a few years ago she wanted to give life to a place where interesting people could meet to share a pleasant chat accompanied by a surreal coffee inspired by Breton and Dalí. This is how the idea of a poetic café was born.

In our country, 19% of all entrepreneurs are women, according to INEGI, and although the official figures of Mexican entrepreneurs in Mexico still reveal a distancing from entrepreneurs created by men, we must make visible the efforts made by the women in this area to increasingly close this gap and inspire other Mexican women to start their own ventures.

Like Areli, thousands of Mexican women decide to start a new business, whether to earn additional income, create rewarding projects, continue their professional development, or even with the purpose of impacting their community. For example, Vocablo represents for Areli a place that seeks to benefit everyone who is nearby, a contribution that can represent a source of employment for other people, through a cup of coffee that vitalizes the day of its customers, or finding the exact message in the little pieces of poetry that you give with each service.

Image: Word

The ways to do someone good are limitless

In the current context, derived from the impact of the pandemic, we have seen how thousands of women have become entrepreneurs practically overnight; where e-commerce and a timely online presence have given them the ability to deal with this situation. Like Areli, women entrepreneurs are better prepared and with better tools at their fingertips in a reality that is increasingly digital. Of course, Vocablo has a presence on social networks, with more than 37.6 thousand followers on Facebook and more than 10.4 thousand on Instagram, platforms that complement perfectly with its website, which contains all the information about its business as its history, menu and opening hours, and it even has an online store where it offers cups, thermos, glasses, notebooks, and of course, coffee to prepare at home; all just a click away and all with a poetic theme.

But this is not all, the creativity of an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur knows no limits, and offering your clients a plus or something unique can make a big difference. Areli has applied it to perfection. In addition to enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and purchasing special products, Vocablo offers a drawing and painting workshop in collaboration with a visual artist, as well as Poetic Quotes to enjoy as a family, with friends or as a couple, which become quite a experience. And they go even further, in Vocablo people can also book a Poetic Blind Date, where anyone can meet other people as interesting as her and share a unique moment.

In a period of economic recovery, combining your passions and skills with easy-to-use digital tools available to everyone can turn out to be much better than you expect; you can spark a great business idea and turn it into a reality online. At GoDaddy we celebrate and encourage women and men entrepreneurs to pursue their passions and achieve their success with an ally who accompanies them throughout the exciting journey to digitization; we are ready to help you achieve your goals and walk you through a world that is more digital than ever.

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