Elon Musk’s CV is one page, should yours be the same?

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The curriculum vitae is a very important ‘weapon’ to get a job , or in your case, find the best person for the position that your business needs. The surprising thing is that many people break their heads in trying to put all their achievements and they turn out to be more than two pages. Elon Musk gives you this lesson.

An entrepreneur by nature, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has shown us that a good CV can be just one page long, without the need to exclude anything.

Elon Musk, who also operates companies such as Hyperloop, Tesla, SpaceX , among others, indicated that his company only has job positions “strictly necessary”, in addition, he pointed out that managerial positions were “totally unnecessary”, since they encouraged and triangulated any corporate decision.

The Novoresumé page gives us a template of what Elon Musk’s CV would look like:

Photo: Novorésumé

Musk’s CV had transcended a few years ago and he assures that “he never needed more than one page.” As The Independent indicates, your resume is about providing more information in a smaller space “giving more for less.”

Elon Musk describes himself as a “nano manager,” a micromanager of operations. Your CV shows a very simple format that lists your skills, training and experience, however, it has a correct and minimalist design, which helps you to be able to place more options.

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Specifically, the billionaire’s résumé has nine items, such as skills and competencies, where it lists a few with a percentage included, as well as previous positions, duration, and accomplishments in each of those jobs .

Another section of certificates, their descriptions and the year in which they were obtained. In addition to the languages he handles, education and interests, which are only mentioned in a simple way.

Now you know, if you want to get that job or find the right person, check the resume very well and follow the example of the CEO of Tesla, Elon Mu sk.

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