How to Attract Smart Millennials Through Better Job Descriptions

21, 2021

5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

With millennials increasingly on the job search, and talented young graduates still hunting for jobs during the ongoing crisis, it is time to think about how to attract the best talent for the best price for your . Millennials (and even younger professionals as well) are often beneficial additions to your team, as they tend to be creative, digitally savvy and willing to grow with a company. Hiring millennials for their intelligence, even if they don’t have experience, can help you save money and grow your business in the long run.

Survey results from career site Monster show that 45% of the class of 2020 is still looking for work almost a year after graduation in the aftermath of the crisis. Also, a recent Gallup poll shows that six in 10 millennials are open to new job opportunities. This means there’s a large pool of smart and talented young job applicants just waiting for work.

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You might think job descriptions don’t make much of an impact on the kinds of candidates who apply for positions. But, think again. The details of the role can determine whether or not someone applies for the job and how motivated they are to work for your company. Here are some tips to help you appeal to millennial job candidates while making them want to work for you. 

1. Paint the vision of your business clearly 

Spend some time thinking about what the most ambitious, appealing version of your business looks like, and make sure that vision comes across in your job description. Instead of coasting through a generic “about us” pitch, make sure to paint a detailed picture of your company’s broader goals and culture. 

Millennials want to learn, grow professionally and be part of something bigger than themselves. So, convincing potential employees that your company is the place where they can grow and work towards larger goals will help reel in millennial applicants. 

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2. Don’t limit yourself to people with domain experience

Although young people who have recently entered or are just entering the workforce might have less experience than older candidates, it’s important not to overlook the value that they may bring to your company.

While it depends on the role you’re hiring for, you can often hire for intelligence or willingness to learn, rather than expertise in a particular field. For example, when hiring for an analytical growth marketer, seek someone with strong math skills instead of someone with only a dedicated background. This prospective team member might have a higher ceiling for professional growth than other candidates. 

Millennials also appreciate flexibility, and often look for jobs where they won’t have to fit into one specific box. A job description that shows the company is looking for multifaceted individuals indicates there’s room to grow in the position, and makes it more appealing to millennials. 

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3. Highlight how the role impacts the company and the community

More than any other generation, millennials are interested in contributing to a greater purpose in their job. A job description that reflects the impact that this position will have on the company and the greater community will make the position more attractive to younger applicants. Make it clear in your job description that the work they’ll be doing directly translates into growing the bottom line of the business.

Moreover, if your company has any social or environmental responsibility goals, use the job description to illuminate how accepting a job at your company will be beneficial to the community at large and the health of the planet too. 

A 2016 study found that 64% of millennials wouldn’t take a job if their employer didn’t have a strong (CSR) policy, and 83% said they would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to social and environmental causes. Using your job description to highlight your business’s CSR policy will make millennials more likely to want to be a part of your company’s mission.

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4. Show off your company culture 

Sharing that your company is low ego, or likes to go bowling every Thursday afternoon after work are ways you can stand out and attract people who’ll be the right fit for your business.

Give specific examples in your job description that demonstrate how your employees interact and have fun, so that potential applicants can better self-identify whether your company is the right fit for them. 

Get specific about the work culture as it relates to the particular job opening. For example, talk about actions candidates can take if they’re hired that may actually help their prospective manager or supervisor on their next performance review.

According to a 2020 study by Jobist, over 30% of employees would be willing to take a cut in exchange for a better work life balance. Selling your company as a fun place to work and grow in your job description can help attract millennials to your company, perhaps even for a lower salary. 

Showing off any benefits, such as unlimited PTO, health coverage or even a stipend for fitness activities can help your job posting appeal to young job applicants and help your business tap into the full potential that millennial employees have to offer.  

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