LinkedIn Now Lets You Add Pronouns to Your Profile

The company is ‘reimagining’ profiles to make them more inclusive.

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30, 2021

2 min read

This story originally appeared on Engadget

LinkedIn will allow all its users to add pronouns to the top of their profiles. The update, beginning to roll out this week, is part of a bigger push from the company to “reimagine” one of the core features of its service.

While some users may have already opted to add pronouns elsewhere on their LinkedIn page, the update adds a dedicated space at the top of each profile. Besides being more inclusive to all its users, LinkedIn notes in a blog post that recruiters and job seekers have said that knowing a candidate’s pronouns is an important part of the hiring process.

LinkedIn is also adding “cover stories,” which is similar to the LinkedIn Storiesfeature it introduced last year. But instead of disappearing after a day, cover story videos are meant to be more permanent and provide a “quick peek at your personality.” Another influencer-friendly feature is “creator mode,” which allows users to show off their areas of expertise. LinkedIn says it will highlight posts from profiles with creator mode turned on and recommend other users follow them.

Related: 25 Criteria to Watch Out for When Connecting on LinkedIn

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