About 3.9% of Mercado Libre México publications were deleted for violating policies on prohibited items and intellectual property rights, among others.
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20, 2021
4 min read
In its first transparency report , Mercado Libre México confirmed that it detected and eliminated 2.2 million publications from its catalog. The online commerce platform pointed out that they violated its policies in different ways, such as offering prohibited items or violating intellectual property rights .
At the end of 2020, Mercado Libre México had more than 57 million active publications . However, about 3.9% of these were deleted , after detecting that they violated the rules of the page.
On the platform it is prohibited to offer products and services contrary to the terms and conditions, for example, those that infringe the rights of holders of intellectual property and personal data .
“Mexico is one of the most important countries for Mercado Libre, and in the same way as at the regional level, we follow the strictest security policies to offer the best experience to our users,” said Carlos Hassey , legal director of Mercado Libre México government affairs.
“Among other actions, we sent communications to all sellers of critical products, urging not to incur speculation or bad practices,” added the manager.
Not only in Mexico did they eliminate publications
Globally, Mercado Libre had registered more than 331 million publications distributed in all the countries where it operates. Of these, 18.5 million were detected and moderated for violation of their publication policies and prohibited articles.
Brazil was the country where the most publications of this type were detected, with 13.2 million . In second place was Mexico (2.2 million) , followed by Colombia (1.3 million) .
#TomaNota The cybersecurity industry reported that there were 14 billion attempted cyberattacks in Mexico during 2020. A text from @GodaddyLatam https://t.co/dZRzUEu5fG
– Entrepreneur Mexico (@SoyEntrepreneur) May 19, 2021
The main categories of content with infringement were:
- courses
- Medicines, substances and health products (both as a consequence of the pandemic)
- Digital books
- Accounts and digital content
- Adult Products
- Personal data bases
- Decoders, antennas and signals
- Personal documents
- Tobacco and related
- Financial products and services
The report states that 99.4% of the deleted content was detected by their fraud prevention teams. The rest was the result of complaints from users or authorities in the framework of different agreements.
Publications related to the pandemic were a problem
Mercado Libre’s transparency report highlights that during 2020 they eliminated 65,180 publications on the platform at the regional level, due to issues related to the pandemic .
The company explains that since March 2020, they made an effort to react quickly to respond to new needs and ensure that sellers did not use the platform to carry out practices contrary to policies or health laws.
“We work with control authorities to eliminate publications with abusive prices in key products such as alcohol gel or masks or incur in misleading advertisements, among other problems,” they point out from the platform.
Hassey explained that there is close collaboration with organizations such as the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) , the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) to work on the safety and quality of the products offered on the platform.