The power of mental health in the face of the pandemic

Uncertainty, bad news, the losses of a loved one or close people can overwhelm and stress you. In order to face the situation and be resilient, you need to work on yourself, love yourself, protect your mind and be healthy.

Entrepreneur’s New Year’s Guide

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January 22, 2021 5 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

We are in a challenging time, COVID came to teach us the importance of being well and feeling full in the face of adversity to stay alive. Before, for many it was important to be successful, have money, be recognized or have material goods, which became secondary for many people.

The human being must have health in different areas of his life, from my experience these are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial. All are important to be in personal balance and improve an environment that impacts others without a doubt, but we will focus on mental health and the effect on your life and your health, especially in the face of the challenges that COVID is putting us.

According to the Ministry of Health, in critical events such as disasters, humanitarian emergencies and epidemiological crises, at least 80% of people experience an increase in anguish, fear, panic or terror, which significantly impacts mental health.

When we talk about mental health, the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the state of well-being when you carry out your activities and are able to cope with the normal stresses of life in a positive way, to work productively and to contribute with your community.

Some symptoms or reactions that you may feel when your mental health is affected are:

  • Feeling of fear and constant worry about infecting you or your family.

  • Concern about your finances or your job stability.

  • Insomnia and changes in sleeping and eating patterns.

  • Worsening of chronic health problems.

  • Aggravation of mental health problems.

  • Excess consumption of tobacco and / or alcohol or harmful substances.

  • Constant emotional changes, especially feeling desolate, depressed and anxious.

  • Guilt for not being able to perform your usual tasks or your parental obligations if you are infected with COVID-19.

  • Sadness, anger or frustration because you lost a loved one and you can’t feel better.

  • Concern about the possibility of re-infection or getting sick again even if you have already had COVID-19.

  • Other changes in emotional or mental health.

Among some recommendations that will help you feel calmer, better and above all to take care of your mental health.

  1. Find a professional to help you with therapy to improve your mental and emotional health.

  2. Vibrate high, training your mind towards the positive, acknowledge and record your negative thoughts and emotions throughout the day.

  3. Exercise, as it will help you reduce stress, uncertainty and better manage your emotions.

  4. Meditate, in this way you will learn to be in the present and you will stop focusing on what does not work or has not happened and that probably worries you.

  5. Inform yourself as necessary, but stop seeing toxic or negative news, since all it will do is generate more stress and concern.

  6. Connect with humor and laughter, doing so will secrete happiness hormones in your body and allow you to feel better.

  7. Eat healthy, as you need to strengthen your defenses and send a signal to your body that you want it strong.

  8. Breathe deeply, do stretching exercises and connect with nature through digital media.

  9. Be grateful for all the good things that you do have and that you lived through the day or the week.

  10. Avoid consuming excess alcohol and drugs as they weaken your immune system.

  11. Take a break to rest and relax, incorporating activities that you enjoy either alone or in the company of your family.

  12. Stay close to your vitamin people, that is, those who inject you with energy, who listen to you, who help you to be a better person.

  13. Help others, they can be people in need, foundations or communities, since kindness helps you feel better and focus on the good that happens to you.

I know that fear, uncertainty, bad news, the loss of a loved one or close people can overwhelm and stress you, but in order to face the situation and be resilient you need to work on yourself, on loving yourself, on taking care of yourself, on protecting your mind, in being healthy.

Having mental health is not something easy, it implies that you have positive habits that help you feel better and happier, but above all you will help to be in balance in other spheres of your life such as emotional, physical, spiritual and financial. So… let’s get to work for your mental health!

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