These 8 ideas will help you have some ‘extra money’

We share some ideas for you to earn extra money to help you alleviate some of the financial stress that your business causes you.

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Being an entrepreneur is synonymous with not being financially stable at times. As you build your business, it is important to stay focused. But what if you could do something that would give you extra money to ease that financial stress?

The good news is that there are many companies that create opportunities for entrepreneurs that do not require a full-time job and that can complement what they are doing. Here are nine examples of opportunities that could be perfect for your business to continue growing:

1. Invest in real estate. There are many methods to earn money in real estate, many of them do not require all your effort. Find people in your area who have skills and experience that complement yours and make them part of your business to secure your investment.

2. Drive a taxi. Most of us are familiar with Uber and Lyft , the companies that made the limousine and ordinary people’s cars a means of transportation for everyone in need. Have you considered being one of them? I will never forget one of my UberX trips where the driver told me that he uses his free time to earn money and network with passengers to grow his business, he is a genius!

One of the great things about the Uber platform is that it offers an economic opportunity for a variety of drivers, full-time, part-time, summer teachers, full-time students, among others, in more than 260 cities around the world. If you’re in one of those 260 cities, you could turn your car into a money-making experience and a networking opportunity.

3. Offer your outsourcing services. Do you have graphic design, web design, video editing, software development, or customer service skills? Then you can use them to work in hundreds of places and get paid by the project or by the hour.

4. Work in your spare time. The search for part-time jobs is behind us. There are companies like Wonolo in the United States where people can work a few hours in larger companies. People can help these businesses by doing tasks that others cannot finish or by helping out at a conference. This is an opportunity to gain more work experience and take advantage of flexible hours.

5. Rent your apartment. Are you traveling for business or are you going to leave your house empty? Do you have an empty room in your house? It is time to take advantage of them and make money with your property when you are not using it.

6. Rent your car. If you’ve thought about renting your home, you might like the option of following models like RelayRides or FlightCar , which allow you to rent people’s personal vehicles. It is another way to earn money and to network with the people who rent it to you.

7. Don’t just buy on eBay, sell there. You can simply sell your items or you can run a business. “I have an eBay franchise where I teach people how to resell on this page,” says Garret Brustein. “I train each person to teach them how to inventory, list, and ship the items in the same way that I would so they can emulate the process and take all the guesswork out of the business.” You can do this at your leisure or as a part-time job, you can sell the things you don’t need and resell them to get some extra money.

8. Get money to network. This I know from my own experience. After founding my first company, I started organizing networking events in my city to help young professionals to interact in an environment where they were not afraid to make their idea known. I quickly realized that the events were not only helping others to network, but that they could also generate profits.

If you are looking to earn some money apart from your business and find channels in which you can combine the current job with the extra, it is time to consider these options.

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