This young Mexican created pothole pavement by reusing tires

Can you imagine a world without potholes in the streets? This could be a reality if the invention of Israel Antonio Briseño is supported: a pavement that also regenerates with water.

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9, 2021

2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

This story originally appeared on México Desconocido

National proud! Thanks to a young Mexican, the potholes could disappear forever . And it is that it created a pavement that is capable of regenerating itself when in contact with water and that, in addition, is made from reused tires. Get to know the story!

The invention was called Paflec (which refers to rubber flooring with self- regenerating properties) and was developed by Israel Antonio Briseño , who studied Civil Engineering at the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC).

Paflec consists of a material that allows, through chemical reactions, the pavement to repair itself when it comes into contact with water; In addition, it is made with the rubber of automobile tires so it is also a way to treat this waste.

The mixture can be placed on the cracks and potholes so that, with the arrival of the water, they are automatically healed. It is worth mentioning that, although the pavements that regenerate already existed before Paflec, that of Briseño is different. This, according to Briseño commented, is due to the use of the tires.

On the other hand, thanks to its innovative product, Briseño won several awards. Among them is the first place during the James Dyson-Mexico ; It is an international competition whose mission is to encourage young engineers to create innovative products that allow solving common problems.

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