Three Basic Books for Novice Entrepreneurs

We all learn from the successes of others, but especially from their failures. So why not read those who have already been through that?

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Are you starting a business or are you starting to start? We leave you a list of books that can help inspire you.

A success story by chapters. In this book, the author reveals the keys to Starbucks success. And it is that this cafeteria turned a routine activity into a unique experience, which involves customers, employees and managers.

After an 18-month investigation, with interviews and through his personal experience; Michelli discovered a creed of five principles that make the experience of drinking coffee at Starbucks something extraordinary: make your own business, everything matters, surprise and delight; accept resistance and leave a mark.

Thus, the writer leads the reader to discover the little details that led a Seattle coffee shop to open 13,000 establishments around the world.

An Industrial Engineer, avid reader and above all an entrepreneur, Carlos Aliaga shares his experience in this recently published book.

And who better to show that spoiling is undertaken? Aliaga opened a party hall, a photography shop, a taco shop, and a restaurant, until he finally found the winning formula by founding his current logistics company.

Along the way, he noticed that few people know what they need to do and what they need to do to start a business, so he combined his knowledge in the business field and his experience as a writer in different media to create this work.

The book has a simple language, aimed at people who have an innovative idea and want to start a business, are in the process of opening or already have a company in operation. It includes an eight-step action plan or “business survival manual,” which is extremely helpful for novice entrepreneurs.

Business or Franchise
Author: Benjamín Bernal García
PPB Consultants

This book is a good guide to starting a business on the right foot. Benjamín Bernal García, director of Paradigma Pro Business Consultores, explains in a simple way how to choose the ideal activity or market for you and how to evaluate the quality and profitability of a franchise that interests you.

Likewise, it delves into the most important aspects of this business model, highlights the elements that a brand needs to be successful and talks about the risks and advantages of opting for the path of starting your own business. In addition, it helps you find the business that suits you best, depending on the type of personality you have and how you get on.

As a business consultant and advisor, the author created the tool his clients needed: a guideline that helps them make the best decision.

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