What is a Pinterest Manager, and Why Do Businesses Need One?

June 5, 2021 7 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Your weekend obsession with pinning wedding inspiration and crazy recipes may seem like a job in itself. But there’s a way to turn that Sunday passion into an actual job that makes both you and your client’s real money. Because a Pinterest manager is like the everyday Pinner turned strategic and creative expert.

If you love all things strategy, experimentation, and design, being a Pinterest manager could be one of the most rewarding roles for you. When you’re a Pinterest manager no day is the same, and what you do has a tangible impact on a business’s bottom line. I’m talking about big client bases, endless referrals, and jaw-dropping results.

What is a Pinterest manager?

A Pinterest manager is an online service provider who helps businesses promote content, products and services on Pinterest. They assist clients across service-based, ecommerce, and in-store industries to achieve their goals. Key deliverables for a Pinterest manager include clicks, traffic and increasing sales organically. Though it sounds like being a manager, there are a few key differences.

Difference between social media managers and Pinterest managers

Social media managers have advanced knowledge of social media platforms, strategy, and content creation (like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube.) They will:

  • Create captions and static/video creative
  • Comment, like, and engage with other accounts
  • Use scheduling tools like Later and Hootsuite
  • Manage community and moderate audience behavior such as comments and DMs
  • Engage with brands and sponsorships to ensure goals met/runs smoothly and manage social media partnerships with other brands

Pinterest managers have advanced knowledge of the platform, strategy and content creation. They will:

  • Create infographics and pins consistently
  • Have extensive knowledge of SEO and Rich Pins
  • Use scheduling tools like Tailwind
  • Research and find keywords 
  • Optimize boards, profile, Pins
  • Join Group Boards and Tailwind Tribes
  • Schedule Pins using Tailwind

The biggest difference being social media managers and Pinterest managers is an intensely knowledgeable, strategic, and creative understanding of their platform. Pinterest is a visual search engine, not a social media platform; this means the job requires more knowledge when it comes to SEO.

Related: 4 Pinterest Hacks You Can Adopt to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

What does a Pinterest manager do?

1. Keyword research

Pinterest SEO () is one of the biggest (and best) parts of a Pinterest manager’s job.

Pinterest may be a visual search engine, but that doesn’t mean those invisible keywords, links and tags matter any less. Sure — eye-catching Pins get attention, but without adequate keyword research to back the content, the clicks fall through the cracks.

This is why SEO research is a crucial part of a Pinterest manager’s role. It helps a business get found, categorizes their content in a relevant way, and subsequently connects them to their dream clients. A Pinterest manager should have a thorough understanding of their client’s audience, product and goals. They will find ways to jump on trends, present the brand as the top solution to a searched problem, and strategically integrate keyword-rich Pin descriptions, board titles, image text and profile bios to maximize reach.

2. Blog management

Both rich in organic content and keywords, Pinterest and blog content form a unique synergy for driving traffic to your site. Pinterest managers often add this service to save clients the time and brainpower it takes to create long-form organic written content. 

3. Graphic creation

Speaking of Pinterest strategy, what would this list be without Pin creation? With Pinterest being all about recency, consistency, and relevance, a Pinterest manager’s biggest focus (aside from SEO), will be creating fresh scroll-stopping, clickable content for searchers. Like every search engine, Pinterest wants to serve its users, and provide them with the right information at the right time. That means capturing the right colors, headlines, and images to stand out on the search results page is crucial. 

When creating, a Pinterest manager will be comprehensive and thorough. They will typically use tools like Canva and Adobe to bring to life the ultimate Pin suite. They’ll then draft the keyword descriptions to go alongside them, too. Once approved, a Pinterest manager will curate the board and schedule via tools like Tailwind. This supports the end-to-end management and consistency that both Pinterest and businesses love!

4. Engagement

You’ve heard it everywhere on Instagram, but the ol’ ‘post and ghost’ doesn’t fly on Pinterest either. Keeping active on Pinterest is a 24/7 job, especially considering how crucial it is to boosting rankings and clicks on the platform. 

Pinterest managers know where and how to spend their time strategically, too. This can look like joining Pinterest group boards (also known as Collaborative Boards), which allow multiple users to Pin. As always, there is a strategy behind applying and successfully joining the right group boards or Tailwind communities that a Pinterest manager will be ready to implement. 

A Pinterest manager will dedicate their time to researching, joining, and engaging in these groups. They’ll also save and curate an account’s boards and pin similar content to deliver the ultimate engagement strategy.

5. Ongoing audits and optimization

Setting up a Pinterest business account is a minefield, which means getting it right from the start can save oh-so-many headaches down the line. A Pinterest manager will help businesses establish their profiles, load content, link to Tailwind and their website, and optimize it for search with Rich Pins (which can often take hours when done thoroughly). They may also do the same in auditing an existing Pinterest account to ensure it’s running like a well-oiled sales machine.

Even better, they’ll return at least once a month to make necessary updates in line with the business’s goals, and the algorithm’s changes. This involves keeping up with ever-changing trends and updates, monitoring and reporting on account and group board performance, and adapting content as necessary.

Additional roles of a Pinterest manager

In addition to all the magic-making in those top five roles, a Pinterest manager may also:

  • Audit existing Pinterest accounts and implement new strategies
  • Dig deep into the data with Pinterest and Google Analytics to uncover unique user behavioral insights

Related: 4 Quick Pinterest Ad Hacks to Boost Your Ecommerce

Pros and cons of becoming a Pinterest manager

If you believe being a Pinterest manager fits your skills, here’s the reality of the role (the good and the less good).

  • Flexible. Set your own hours and location.
  • Creative. Design and write content you’re passionate about.
  • Every day brings something new. Work with a range of clients with different offerings, audiences, and goals.
  • Experiment and innovate. Think of unique ways to drive more traffic and sales.
  • In demand. Earn a substantial income and score unlimited referrals.

However, there are a few drawbacks:

  • Constantly changing algorithm. Luckily, Pinterest remains fairly transparent about its changes.
  • Keeps you on your toes. Just like any business, being your own boss brings with it its own set of challenges.

Overall, being a Pinterest manager is one of the most exciting, fulfilling, rewarding jobs if you’re looking to enter or expand in the online space.

Related: 4 Success Lessons From the Entrepreneur Who Quietly Grew Pinterest Into a $12 Billion Company

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