10 Deficiencies Most People Have (and How to Fix Them)

Do you have a hidden nutrient deficiency?

Nutrient deficiencies might not be the first thing on your mind when you think about maintaining good health, but they are crucial in ensuring your body functions optimally. Although we often believe our diets provide all the necessary nutrients, several common deficiencies can slip under the radar. These deficiencies can subtly affect your health, causing symptoms that are easy to overlook. Additionally, they can lead to more significant issues over time.

Identifying and correcting these nutrient deficiencies is essential for your overall well-being. Fixing them can help improve your daily function and mood. You will also support long-term health, preventing diseases and conditions linked to poor nutritional status. This guide will help you understand some of the most common deficiencies, why they occur, and simple yet effective ways to rectify them, ensuring you lead a happier, healthier life.

What Are the Ten Common Nutrient Deficiencies?

nutrient deficiencies

1 – Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” is crucial for several reasons. It helps your body absorb calcium, a vital nutrient for bone health. It also plays an integral role in immune function, muscle recovery, and mood regulation. Despite its importance, vitamin D deficiency is the most common worldwide.

This deficiency is prevalent because vitamin D is unique; while you can find it in some foods, the primary source is sunlight. When exposed to sunlight, your skin synthesizes vitamin D from cholesterol. However, many factors limit exposure to sunlight, including living in high latitudes, wearing sunblock, spending a lot of time indoors, or wearing covering clothes for cultural reasons. Additionally, as people age, their skin becomes less efficient at synthesizing vitamin D.

How to Fix

Correcting a vitamin D deficiency can be straightforward with a few lifestyle adjustments:

  • Increase Sunlight Exposure: Aim for about 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight several times a week. The exact time depends on your skin tone, with lighter skin requiring less time than darker skin.
  • Consume Fortified Foods: Many dairy products, plant milk, and Vitamin D-fortified cereals can help boost your vitamin D levels. Adding these to your menu can help.
  • Consider Supplements: If lifestyle changes aren’t enough or you’re at high risk for deficiency, vitamin D supplements can be an effective solution. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement to ensure you take the correct dose and form of vitamin D that your body needs.

Understanding the critical role of vitamin D and managing your levels can help you have stronger bones, a robust immune system, and a healthy body overall.

2 – Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral essential for your body’s functioning. It plays a pivotal role in over 300 enzymatic reactions, contributes to the structural development of bone, and is required for synthesizing DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. Despite its critical roles, magnesium deficiency is relatively common, largely due to dietary patterns that favor processed foods, which are often low in magnesium.

Many people may not realize they’re deficient as early symptoms can be subtle, such as loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. As deficiencies worsen, it can lead to more severe symptoms, including muscle cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms.

How to Fix

Increasing dietary magnesium is generally the best way to correct a deficiency:

  • Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods: Include a variety of magnesium-rich foods in your diet, including green leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach and kale), nuts and seeds, whole grains, and legumes. These foods boost your magnesium levels and contribute to a healthier, more balanced diet.
  • Reduce Magnesium Loss: Certain lifestyle habits and medications can increase magnesium loss. For instance, excessive alcohol consumption or prolonged stress can deplete your body’s magnesium levels. Being aware of these factors, moderating alcohol intake, managing stress, and discussing medication use with a healthcare provider can help maintain magnesium levels.
  • Consider Magnesium Supplements: If dietary adjustments are insufficient or you have a medical condition affecting magnesium absorption, supplements can effectively increase your magnesium intake. Choosing the right type of magnesium supplement is important, as some forms are absorbed better than others. A medical professional can help you find the best choice for your needs.

3 – Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is needed for red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and DNA production. This vitamin deficiency can lead to significant health problems, including anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal problems, nerve damage, and mood disturbances. The risk of B12 deficiency is higher among older adults, vegetarians, and people with absorption disorders such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease.

One reason for the prevalence of B12 deficiency, especially in vegetarians, is that vitamin B12 comes from animal products. Plant-based diets often lack adequate amounts of B12 unless supplemented by fortified foods or supplements.

How to Fix

Addressing a vitamin B12 deficiency involves dietary changes and, in some cases, supplements:

  • Increase Intake of Animal Products: For non-vegetarians, consuming B12-rich foods such as poultry, meat, fish, and dairy can help boost B12 levels.
  • Use Fortified Foods: Many cereal and plant milks are fortified with B12, making them good options for vegetarians and vegans.
  • B12 Supplements: Oral B12 supplements or, in some cases, injections can be necessary, especially for those with absorption issues or severe deficiencies. Please consult a healthcare professional for tests and recommendations on B12 supplementation to ensure proper dosage and monitoring.

Understanding this nutrient’s critical role in your health and managing their levels through diet and supplements can significantly enhance your overall well-being and avoid the complications associated with their deficiencies.

4 – Iron Deficiency

Iron is a vital mineral your body requires to produce red blood cells and transport oxygen. Iron deficiency is among the most widespread nutritional deficiencies in the world. It impacts a large number of women, especially those who are pregnant or menstruating heavily, as well as young children. The deficiency can lead to anemia, characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and, in severe cases, difficulty in concentrating and increased susceptibility to infections.

Iron deficiency often stems from a diet insufficient in iron-rich foods, increased iron needs during pregnancy, or blood loss through menstruation or internal bleeding. Some might also experience issues due to poor iron absorption.

How to Fix

To combat iron deficiency, consider the following strategies:

  • Incorporate Iron-rich Foods: Increase your intake of iron-rich foods like red meat, chicken, turkey, pork, and fish, which provide heme iron that is easily absorbed by your body. Vegetarians can rely on beans, lentils, fortified cereals, and green leafy vegetables like spinach.
  • Enhance Iron Absorption: Consuming vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and tomatoes alongside iron-rich foods can enhance non-heme iron absorption.
  • Manage Iron Absorption Inhibitors: Certain elements in your diet can inhibit iron absorption, including tannins in tea and coffee and calcium in dairy items. Try to consume these foods and beverages a few hours apart from iron-rich meals.
  • Iron Supplements: Iron supplements might be necessary if dietary measures are insufficient. These should be taken under medical supervision, as excessive iron can be harmful and interfere with the absorption of other minerals.

5 – Omega-3 Fatty Acids Deficiency

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats the human body can’t produce. Thus, they must be obtained through your diet. Your body needs Omega-3s for brain function and normal growth and development. They have also been shown to reduce inflammation and are linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Common signs of omega-3 deficiencies include dry skin, mood swings, depression, and poor memory.

Unfortunately, many diets are deficient in omega-3s because they do not include enough foods rich in these fats, such as fish and other seafood, particularly fatty fish, among the best sources.

How to Fix

Addressing an omega-3 fatty acids deficiency involves dietary adjustments and supplementation:

  • Increase Seafood Consumption: Eating fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout at least twice a week can significantly increase your intake of omega-3s.
  • Use Plant-based Sources: For vegetarians or those who do not eat fish, sources like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds are excellent for the plant-based omega-3 ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). While ALA is not as beneficial as the omega-3s found in fish (EPA and DHA), it still contributes to maintaining adequate levels.
  • Omega-3 Supplements: Fish oil or algae-based omega-3 supplements can benefit those not consuming fish products. These supplements can help with adequate levels of EPA and DHA, the more beneficial forms of omega-3s.
  • Monitor Omega-6 Intake: It’s also important to maintain a healthful balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fats in your diet, as excessive omega-6 can counteract the benefits of omega-3. Reducing the intake of vegetable oils like corn, soybean, and sunflower, which are high in omega-6, can help maintain this balance.

Integrating these strategies into your life can correct nutrient deficiencies and enhance overall health, contributing to better mental clarity, reduced inflammation, and improved cardiovascular health.


6 – Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. It is essential to the body’s metabolism. It plays a critical role in protein metabolism, cognitive development, and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood and brain health. Vitamin B6 is also essential for creating hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Deficiencies can lead to symptoms such as confusion, depression, and weakened immune function, and in severe cases, it can cause anemia.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is relatively uncommon in healthy adults because it is available in various foods. Still, certain groups, including older adults and those with kidney diseases or malabsorption syndromes, are at higher risk.

How to Fix

Effective ways to address a deficiency in Vitamin B6 include:

  • Diversify Your Diet: Include a variety of B6-rich foods in your meals, such as poultry, fish, organ meats like liver, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables, and non-citrus fruits such as bananas and watermelon.
  • Consider Your Whole Diet: Since B6 is needed to metabolize proteins, ensure you eat a diet that includes adequate, but not excessive, protein.
  • B6 Supplements: For those unable to meet their needs through diet alone, B6 supplements can be an option. As with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before starting, as excessive intake of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage.

7 – Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is vital for strong bones and teeth and plays a large role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission. Calcium deficiencies lead to dental issues, cataracts, alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis.

Risk factors for calcium deficiency include insufficient calcium-rich foods, hormonal changes, particularly in postmenopausal women, age-related decreases in calcium absorption, and dietary intolerance to dairy products, a primary calcium source.

How to Fix

To prevent or correct calcium deficiency, consider the following approaches:

  • Increase Calcium-Rich Foods: Include more dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. For those who are lactose intolerant or vegan, alternative sources include fortified plant milk (such as almond, soy, or oat), leafy green vegetables, and calcium-set tofu.
  • Supplement Wisely: Calcium supplements can help fill the gap but should be used cautiously. Excessive calcium can cause kidney stones. It may also impair the absorption of iron and zinc. Always discuss with a healthcare provider to choose the right type and dose of calcium supplement.
  • Factor in Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption, so ensure adequate vitamin D levels through either diet, supplementation, or sensible sun exposure.

By adopting these strategies, you can maintain adequate calcium levels, supporting bone health and overall bodily functions. This is especially crucial as you age and your natural ability to absorb calcium decreases.

8 – Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision, skin, and immune function. It also plays a part in reproductive health and cellular communication. This vitamin comes in two forms: 

  • Preformed vitamin A (retinol and retinyl esters). These come from animal products
  • Provitamin A (most notably beta-carotene). You get these by eating fruits and vegetables. 

Vitamin A deficiency is a great health concern worldwide, particularly in developing countries. It leads to preventable blindness in children and decreases the human body’s ability to combat infections.

In more developed regions, vitamin A deficiency can occur due to dietary restrictions or poor intake of both animal and vegetable sources of vitamin A.

How to Fix

Preventing and correcting vitamin A deficiency involves dietary adjustments and, where necessary, supplementation:

  • Consume Vitamin A-Rich Foods: To increase levels of preformed vitamin A, include liver, fish oils, eggs, and dairy items like milk and cheese in your diet. For beta-carotene, focus on dark-colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale.
  • Balanced Intake: It’s important to balance the intake of vitamin A, as excessive amounts can cause serious health issues, including liver damage and an increased risk of bone fractures.
  • Supplementation if Needed: In cases where dietary intake might not be enough, such as with restrictive diets or absorption impairments, vitamin A supplements can be used under medical guidance to avoid the risk of overdose.

9 – Zinc Deficiency

Zinc is an essential trace element critical in many biological processes. These include immune function, DNA synthesis, wound healing, and cell division. It is also important for normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Zinc deficiency can lead to myriad health problems, including impaired immune response, hair loss, delayed wound healing, and alterations in taste and smell.

Young children, pregnant women, older people, and anyone following a vegetarian or low-protein diet are particularly at risk for this nutrient deficiency.

How to Fix

Addressing zinc deficiency effectively requires dietary and possibly supplemental intervention:

  • Increase Zinc-Rich Foods: The best sources of zinc are generally animal products such as beef, pork, lamb and seafood like oysters and crab. Zinc can also be found in nuts, whole grains, legumes, and yeast for vegetarians.
  • Consider Cooking Methods: Cooking techniques can affect the bioavailability of zinc. For instance, soaking beans, grains, and seeds can reduce phytic acid levels, a substance that inhibits zinc absorption.
  • Zinc Supplements: Supplements may be necessary for those unable to meet their zinc needs through diet alone. However, consulting with a doctor or pharmacist before starting zinc supplements is essential, as too much zinc can interfere with copper absorption.

Understanding the sources and roles of these essential nutrients ensures your diet supports your overall health. You will correct deficiencies that may otherwise go unnoticed but can significantly impact your quality of life.

10 – Folate (Vitamin B9) Deficiency


Folate, Vitamin B9, is essential for cell division, DNA synthesis, and producing red blood cells. It is particularly critical during rapid growth, such as pregnancy and fetal development. Folate deficiency can lead to significant health issues. These include severe congenital disabilities known as neural tube defects, poor growth, tongue ulcers, and potentially anemia. The deficiency is more common in pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, those who consume excessive alcohol, and individuals on certain medications that interfere with folate absorption.

How to Fix

To prevent and address folate deficiency, incorporate the following strategies:

  • Increase Folate-Rich Foods: Include more dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, fruits like oranges and bananas, beans, peas, and nuts in your diet. These foods are naturally rich in folate and can help maintain adequate levels.
  • Use Fortified Foods: Many countries fortify grains with folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, to reduce deficiency. Consuming fortified cereals, bread, and other grain products can help boost your folate intake.
  • Supplementation: Particularly for pregnant women, folate supplementation is often recommended to ensure adequate levels to support fetal development. It’s important to start taking folic acid supplements before conception and continue through the early stages of pregnancy, as advised by a healthcare provider.

nutrient deficiencies

Final Thoughts on the Nutrient Deficiencies Many People Have 

Nutrient deficiencies are more common than many think and can impact your health and life’s quality. 

Taking charge of your nutritional health enhances your physical and mental well-being and supports your body’s natural processes. Fixing nutrient deficiencies means you’ll be better equipped to lead a vibrant, active life. If you suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation. With the right information, you can ensure your body gets all the nutrients needed to thrive.

The post 10 Deficiencies Most People Have (and How to Fix Them) appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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