16 Signs It’s Time to Let Go of a Toxic Partner

8. Your Support Network is Dwindling

We all have different personalities, so, understandably, some may clash. Likewise, you may have the occasional family member or best friend who doesn’t get along with your mate. The difference is that mature people know how to be civil, even if they don’t like each other.

This situation becomes problematic when your lover can’t get along with hardly any of your family and friends. Your mate may be the problem, but they want you to take their side and cut ties with others. Beware of toxic partners who try to keep you isolated.

9. Your Mate Won’t Accept Blame

Making mistakes and having shortcomings are all part of the human condition. Unfortunately, couples in the best relationships still make mistakes every day. However, the saving grace is that they take responsibility for their words and actions and ask for your forgiveness.

A toxic mate may refuse to acknowledge fault and will shift the blame to you and everyone else. According to an article published by the American Psychological Review, blame-shifting is one of the many ominous signs of gaslighting.

10. You Ignore Your Needs

A healthy relationship fulfills a couple’s need for companionship, intimacy, and validation. If your relationship feels more one-sided, consider that you may be giving too much. Your mate should respect and love you enough to ensure that your needs are paramount.

With this attitude, joy and fulfillment are mutual. However, be wary if your person shows signs of a narcissistic personality and is only concerned with their needs. They can’t love you and watch you ignore your needs in favor of them.

11. You Feel Lonely

One of the sweetest advantages of falling in love is so you can be with one another. If your person is emotionally unavailable and isn’t interested in fixing the situation, why bother? When they say they are there for you, they must be “there.”

You can be sitting on the couch right next to your lover and still feel lonely. Do you share your thoughts, feelings, and dreams as a couple? Do they take time to have meaningful conversations with you?

12. You Are Bitter

It’s been said that bitterness is the only poison meant to hurt someone else, and it only destroys you. So how can you stay in a relationship if you or your partner is harboring resentment? Whether it stems from your relationship or other people, it’s bound to create overwhelming toxicity.

Maybe your person is embittered and refuses to extend forgiveness to whomever. As a result, their dark feelings will seep into your relationship and will soon make you feel angry and resentful. It’s a negative whirlpool that will hurt you in the end.

13. Controlling Behaviors

A significant other who loves you isn’t interested in controlling you. As an adult, you remain the person who makes your own decisions. A toxic mate often tries to control what you think, what you do, and where you go. A relationship shouldn’t be a virtual prison.

14. Waiting for a Change

If you stay in an unhealthy relationship hoping that your mate will change, you’ll be sadly disappointed. While people can work on changing bad habits, many are already set in their ways. Wanting to change a toxic person isn’t a basis for a beautiful life together.

15. Are You in Their Future?

Listen closely when your partner discusses plans and dreams for the future. Are these “I” or “We” plans? If you aren’t part of their future, then why are you part of their present?

16. You Feel Depressed

How do you feel when you are with your significant other? Do they bring out the best in you, or do you feel lost and trapped? These negative feelings may lead to depression.

toxic partner

It’s difficult to walk away from a relationship in which you’ve invested time, energy, and your heart. If you’ve recognized any of these tell-tale signs of a toxic partner, leaving may be your best option. You’re a worthy person, and you deserve better.

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