20 Affirmations to Tell Yourself If Your Heart Is Broken

11. I am strong enough to overcome my broken heart.

You are stronger than you realize, and you will overcome your broken heart. It won’t last forever, and you will persevere and come out better than ever. Use this affirmation to remember your inner strength each day, and you will feel a difference.

12. I am paying attention to all of the lessons learned.

When your heart is broken, you can find many lessons in the experience if you remember to look for them. Use this affirmation as a reminder to stay alert and remember that even heartbreak is a learning opportunity.

13. I am patient as I wait for true love.

Your time is coming, so remember to stay patient. Don’t try to rush the process, or you’ll find that you get hurt repeatedly. If you’re patient as you watch for your chance, you’ll find the love that you deserve.

14. I know that the pain will ease, and I will find joy in life again.

It might seem overwhelming right now, but the pain will ease a little more each day. Before you know it, you will experience happiness and joy again. Using this affirmation when your heart is broken will remind you to look for the little things that make you smile.

15. I am attracting people that will love me in the way that I deserve.

Not everyone is for you, and they won’t treat you how you deserve to be. Use this affirmation as a way to attract only those that will treat you with respect, kindness, and love.

You will find your person, so stay positive along the way. Remember that positive people attract other positive people, so pay attention to the energy flowing through you.

16. I deserve love, and I will find it one day.

Never doubt that you deserve love. Repeat this affirmation each morning to reaffirm that fact because you are worthy of love, and you will find it. You just have to believe that you will and focus on your self-worth as you wait.

17. I am reclaiming my power and moving past the pain.

You are powerful despite what is going on in your life. You can reclaim your power at any time because your inner strength is more powerful than you know. Use this affirmation to empower yourself to move on when your heart is broken.

18. I trust that the universe is guiding me in the right direction.

The universe will guide you in the right direction, so find comfort that your heartbreak is leading you somewhere better. Your life will be better than ever, and you will be happy again. Use this affirmation when you feel like giving up so that you remember that your future is waiting.

19. I am choosing to let go because I can’t control anyone but myself.

You can’t force someone to stay in your life, and if you had to make them, they probably shouldn’t be there anyway. Acknowledge that you can’t control what other people do, but you can control yourself and your decisions. Then, decide to let go and move on.

20. I accept and love myself as I am right now.

With self-acceptance and self-love, you can overcome any heartbreak. Focus on loving yourself when your heart is broken, and you will heal quicker and learn to feel complete on your own. You don’t need anyone when you can love yourself the way that you deserve to be loved.

heart is broken

When your heart is broken, it can be hard to see the good in your life and recognize that you will heal. Sometimes it feels like the healing will never begin and that you will experience this pain forever. Using affirmations to help with the healing process can remind you of your strength to help you overcome.

Always remember that you are worthy and valuable. You will find someone that loves you the way you deserve to be loved when the time is right. Until then, use this time alone to focus on self-improvement, self-care, and self-love.

You will have days that are more of a struggle than others, so use the affirmations more during those days. Remember that healing takes time, so don’t rush the process, but use positivity to help you along.

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