Isn’t it irritating when someone feels they need to prove you wrong? Using a phrase like “I’ll show you” is challenging in nature. They think that what you said was a threat, so they intend to make a learning experience from this situation.
12. “Shut Up”
Two of the rudest words in the English language are “shut up.” Someone who uses such phrases shows that they haven’t matured their vocabulary. Using terms like “Would you please be quiet” is much better.
13. “I Don’t Care What Others Think”
While you should never live your life in fear of what others may think, making such a flippant statement is from someone who just doesn’t care. When you’re younger, you tend to be a little freer-spirited, but you learn that you need to keep the peace as you age. Your actions shouldn’t be offensive to others, no matter what they think.
14. “Leave Me Alone”
If you step on someone’s toes or say something they don’t want to hear, you may be told to leave them alone. While they’re trying to tell you that they need some time and space to cool off or process what they’ve heard, it comes out all wrong.
15. “I Can’t Even Right Now”
Imagine you told your employee that you needed them to get a report done by 2 pm. It was a rushed issue that needed their prompt attention. They didn’t like what you said to them, and they looked at you with disgust and told you, “I can’t even right now.”
Sure, it may be enough to get them fired, but it’s also their way of telling you they’re overloaded. They lack the proper vocabulary to communicate effectively, that they’re overwhelmed. Of course, it’s very childish to make such statements, but it’s a sign they’re not mature.
16. “Whatever”
One-word slams like “whatever” are commonly used to blow someone off. Then, when the immature doesn’t want to continue the conversation, they are eager to shut it down with a flippant comment.
17. “I Hate You”
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard your child tell you a time or two that they hate you. It’s expected to say such things when you’re an adolescent, but these words should never come out of your mouth when you’re an adult. Again, it’s a way the immature uses their words to fight their battles.
18. “Talk to The Hand”
In the 1990s, teenagers started throwing up a hand and telling people to talk to it. Well, what they were saying is they didn’t have the time or energy to deal with you at that moment. So, it was a less subtle way of telling you to shut up.
It’s an old saying that’s still circulating, especially with the older, immature generation. When someone throws up their hand and turns and walks away, it’s a real sign of their lack of maturity.
19. “That’s So Not Cool”
The average person speaks more than 7,000 words each day, according to Linked In. However, some of those words may be a bit hard to hear for those who lack maturity. If they don’t like what you have to say, then they may counter with something along the lines of “That’s not cool.”
While you may feel that you’re talking to a teenager, the words can come out of an adult’s mouth just as quickly. Unfortunately, this individual good communication skills.
20. “Are You for Real?”
Have you ever told someone news, and they turn around and look at you and say, “Are you for real?” It’s a sign that their maturity level isn’t quite on point. Unless you tend to joke around a lot, there’s no reason to doubt your words or hope it’s a twisted joke.

There are tons of little phrases used every day by those who lack the maturity to communicate with others in the world around them. Have you ever heard someone who curses all the time? The Scientific American states that people curse when words fail them.
However, real immaturity comes from a place of being stunted or not fully developed. Many teenagers turn 18 and expect it to be a magic number that transforms them from childhood to adulthood, but this is not always the case. If someone is immature, misses social cues, or never hits milestones, there could be a condition such as autism spectrum disorder or ADHD to blame.
The key is not to judge too quickly when it comes to immaturity, as each person walks a different path in life. Some mature too fast and others not quick enough. However, it’s learning to all live in harmony that counts.