7 Reasons Why People Forget (And How To Fix It)

1.    Sleep More and Better

Not getting enough sleep – or not getting good quality sleep – can lead to decreased cognitive performance, memory, and concentration. There’s little wrong with getting a little less sleep on occasion, but for the most part, you should aim for between 7 and 9 hours of sleep nightly, with similar sleep and wake times every day.

Have trouble getting to sleep? Try:

  • Maintaining a cool temperature in your bedroom.
  • Exercising during the day (but not too close to bedtime)
  • Putting away screens and lights close to bedtime
  • Winding down every night with something relaxing, like a warm bath, gentle music, a book, or some aromatherapy

2.    Be Around Nature

Natural surroundings can help boost the brain’s ability to learn, concentrate, and be productive and efficient. If your environment has a good amount of greenery in it, you:

  • Are less likely to make mistakes or errors
  • Can complete tasks at a quicker and more efficient rate
  • Have better positive thinking in your tasks
  • Will be distracted less easily
  • Experience emotional, cognitive, and physical benefits

To incorporate nature into your life, you can:

  • Decorate your home or workspace with potted plants
  • Devote some time to maintaining a garden
  • Go for walks in nature every day
  • Eat outdoors in a park or similarly green area

3.    Listen To Music

Music can boost overall concentration, allowing the brain to use its extra energy to absorb the audio input, thus preventing further distractions. However, you must be careful to choose music that you have neutral feelings about, as the music you hate or love can make people forget by losing focus. Here are some options for music to listen to:

·         Classical Music

Studies mostly agree that baroque era classical music has the most positive effects on concentration.

·         Instrumental Electronic Music

Played at a low volume or as “background noise,” electronic music without lyrics is great for those who dislike classical fare.

·         Ambient Music

This kind of music is relaxing and sets a stress-free mood that lends itself to better concentration. Just keep it at a low volume, without vocals.

4.    Take Regular Breaks

If your schedule is always packed, you never get the chance to rest and recharge. You don’t get to regain positive thinking after the stress of your day, and you don’t get to clear your head. This means you’ll be less capable of absorbing new information or remaining focused on tasks, eventually leading to burnout.

Here are some science-backed breaks that you need to be regularly taking if you want to keep your cognitive function and concentration at their best:

·         Breaks From Phone Notifications

The age of smartphones means constant, non-stop notifications. Whether you hear the vibration alerts, alarms, ringtones, and message tones, or even just the lighting up of your screen, you’re sure to be distracted by it. As a matter of fact, seeing or being aware of notifications is just as detrimental to focus as using the phone directly, says research! This is because the brain doesn’t have a huge capacity for performance on tasks, and splitting attention is unhelpful for productivity.

·         Breaks From Social Media

In moderation, checking social media in your free time is fine. But during work hours, it can be terrible for your concentration! This kind of usage can distract you and lead to downsides in performance, eventually negatively affecting mental health and positive thinking.

·         Breaks From Emails

Reading emails constantly has been found in studies to lead to double the screen-switching and a perpetual state of high-alert during the workday, with increased and constant heart rate. A break of five days was needed for the heart to return to its initial variable and healthy rate. Email vacations are, therefore, necessary for concentration and mental health.

·         Breaks From Work

No one’s brain can survive non-stop work, no matter what. A mid-morning break during work hours can actually lead to improved concentration and focus overall. Spending a dedicated and strictly set amount of time on something you enjoy as a break from your tasks may allow you to concentrate more when it’s time to get back to business, say studies. This can lead to better energy levels, physical and mental health, focus, and more!

why people forget

Forgetfulness is a part of life. Very few people can live through their days while retaining every bit of information they see or hear. The trick is to know what to focus on remembering and improve your concentration to retain that information better. It can be a delicate balance, but when you strike it, you’ll be able to focus on remembering what matters, when it matters, in the most positive way.

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