Kind Man Forms an Unbreakable Bond With an Orphaned Baby Magpie 

Matt Owens and his pet magpie named Swoop enjoyed a special relationship before she flew the coop. While Matt misses her very much, he cherishes the beautiful memories they made together.

He’s now adopted another magpie named Zoe, who he dotes on just as he did with Swoop. Once you have a bird, you can’t imagine life without them since they make wonderful companions. They’re intelligent, loving and caring, and can fit into a family just like dogs and cats. Here’s the story of Matt and Swoop, and how they came into each other’s lives at the perfect time.

“My story first began in 2019 when I was driving down the road one day and I spotted an injured magpie on the side of the road,” Matt said. “I decided to take her in and look after her. I’ve never done anything like that before, so it was a pretty amazing experience from day 1.”

He took her home to meet his cat Mowgli, which turned out better than he anticipated. They became fast friends and soon were inseparable. Somehow Mowgli knew Swoop wasn’t cat food, but a family pet that needed love and care. Cats often get a bad rap for being standoffish and reclusive, but Mowgli welcomed Swoop with open arms.

“I ended up calling her Swoop, and Swoop got along really well with my cat, to my surprise. They spent pretty much everyday hanging out with one another. The story of Swoop and Mowgli went viral all around the world, and it was pretty incredible,” Matt said.” My cat and my magpie brought a lot of joy to people which was an amazing privilege, as the world’s been a pretty tough place lately.”

The pandemic turned the world upside down, and many people found themselves spending more time at home. With all that time on their hands, animal videos became a source of comfort and happiness.

Kind Man Forms an Unbreakable Bond With an Orphaned Baby Magpie

Luckily, there’s no shortage of cute animals on the Internet, and Swoop is no exception. She’s helped heal many hearts, but perhaps none as much as her loving owner.

“Swoop came along at a really tough time in my life, so having Swoop and having something to love really grounded me and helped me through that process too,” Matt explains.

He got to enjoy Swoop’s company for about a year. One day, Matt attended his dad’s funeral, but when he came home, Swoop wasn’t there. She’d made her way back to the wild once again. Of course, he missed her terribly, but he also wanted the best for her.

“So that was pretty tough, but at the same time it was bittersweet – I was really happy that she was living out her life with freedom. Since then a lot has happened – I’ve had ducks turn up at my house out of nowhere,” Matt said. “They have made nests and laid eggs, and I’ve ended up raising ducklings alongside the duck. I’ve had other birds come and go; I always try to help them, although I’m not a bird rescuer, I just give it my best shot.”


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Birds Seem to Flock to Matt, Much to His Delight

It seems that birds know Matt will take care of them. The loving energy he gives off must draw them in, and he’s thankful for it! As an animal lover, there’s nothing better than seeing new creatures show up at your doorstep. Even though Swoop moved on with her life, Matt wanted to honor the magpie somehow. So, he decided to dedicate a book to the adventures they enjoyed together.

“The biggest thing that has happened since I’ve had Swoop would be my children’s book that I started writing after she left, illustrated by an incredible young illustrator from my area named Emma. I heard Swoop selected her herself; Swoop was visiting her most days,” Matt recalls.

“So for the last year we’ve been working on this children’s book, “The Story of Swoop,” and I’m stoked to say that the book went to print last week, and that will be released in February.”

Make sure to look out for the book if you’re interested! If you have children who love birds (especially magpies), you’ll definitely want to grab a copy.

“So, it’s safe to say my life changed dramatically when I decided to rescue little Swoop,” Matt concludes. He added that the Universe always rewards a bit of kindness, selflessness and treating others well. This seems true for him, since he’s noticed more abundance in his life after adopting the magpie. So, make sure you put positive energy into the universe, because it will make its way back to you!


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Interesting Facts about Magpies

  • Magpies are small to medium-sized birds that belong to the crow family.
  • In the last 35 years, magpie numbers in Britain and Ireland have quadrupled, especially in suburban areas. Some experts believe that the decrease in car strikes is driving the population boom.
  • Magpies are omnivores, but eat a mostly vegetarian diet consisting of grains, berries, nuts and fruit.
  • There are at least 17 species of magpie, spread out across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
  • They can reach 16-18 inches in length, with their tail accounting for 50%.
  • The magpie can recognize its reflection in a mirror, making it one of the most intelligent bird species.

Final Thoughts on the Special Friendship Between a Man and a Magpie

Magpies are common pet birds in Australia, Europe, and the US. Many people consider them great companions because of their social, cheerful nature. While birds require a lot of care, they will reward your efforts with affection and friendship. Matt Owens found this out firsthand when he adopted his baby magpie named Swoop, who changed his life for the better.

While Swoop decided to go back to her natural habitat, she left a permanent imprint on Matt’s heart. He’s now dedicated a book to her memory, which will come out early next year. It’s amazing how a tiny animal can make such a big impact on someone’s life. If you have ever owned a pet bird, we’d love to hear your story in the comments!

The post Kind Man Forms an Unbreakable Bond With an Orphaned Baby Magpie  appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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