10 Miracles That Happen When You Have a Positive Attitude

How do you develop a more positive attitude so you can see these miracles?

A positive attitude needs to be cultivated. When you grow vegetables, you plant the seeds in good soil, add water, and set the seeds in the sunshine. They begin to grow, getting bigger and bigger every day. Positivity is like that. It takes constant effort to choose to be positive, and over time, you find yourself responding to situations in a more positive way.

Here are ways to grow your positive attitude and experience those miracles shared above.

Don’t believe everything you tell yourself:

It’s easy to start your day telling yourself that you’re going to fail.  Don’t listen. Choose to see your new day as an opportunity for learning and growing. You may not be good at everything,  but that’s okay, at least you can try to do your best and that’s enough.

Help other people:

Helping others is an excellent way to grow in positivity in your life. As you invest in others, you gain a sense of fulfillment and feel happier. You broaden your horizons and learn about other people. Plus, helping others gets your mind off yourself and your negative thoughts.

Enjoy the little things in life:

Find ways to enjoy the small things in life like a sunset, the laughter of kids playing, a cool breeze, even the frost covering your backyard in the morning. Practice mindfulness by using your senses of smell, touch, sight, and hearing to grow your satisfaction with the world around you.

Take responsibility for your actions, feelings, and thoughts:

No one makes you feel a certain way, it’s your choice to have negative feelings. If there are areas of your life where you need to grow and change, put in the effort to find ways to do that. Taking this step forward can help you feel a more positive attitude.

Don’t be afraid of change:

Life is constantly changing whether it’s getting some new neighbors next door, helping our daughter move to college, or something as simple as needing to find a new dentist. Some changes are no big deal, but others may make you feel anxious. Embrace changes in your life. Getting out of your comfort zone can help you grow more positive about life.

Don’t compare yourself:

Today, it’s hard not to compare yourself with other people.  Social media sites, television, and movies depict perfect-looking people in gorgeous houses with happy kids and a loving partner. You may look around your house, at your kids and partner, only to feel like life has left you behind. Comparison is dangerous. You may feel content and happy with your life until you compare yourself with someone else.  Suddenly you feel totally dissatisfied with everything around you. Don’t fall into the comparison trap. It’s a slippery slope towards negativity and unhappiness.

Find other positive people:

Look for other positive people to do life together. It’s helpful to have others who are striving to be more positive. They can help you on your journey to cultivating positivity.

Find humor in difficult situations:

Start looking for the humor in your life situations that might normally bring you down. Laughter releases endorphins in your brain, causing you to feel happier. Read a funny book, or watch a funny television show, listen to funny podcasts that make you laugh out loud.   Looking at life with humor boosts your mood, making you feel happier.

Don’t be too hard on yourself:

Everybody makes mistakes and has hard days. Don’t beat yourself up when you mess up. Step back and evaluate the situation in a positive light. If there’s something you need to do to fix the mess, do it, but otherwise, let it go.


You may have always been a positive person, so reading about these benefits encourages you. But if you lean towards seeing the glass half-empty,  it may be time to develop a more positive attitude and reap some miracle-like benefits of having this view on life.

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