See Why the Internet Fell in Love With This Trio of Saint Bernards

The Saint Bernard is one of the largest breeds out there, but that means more love to go around! For one woman, having one of these gentle giants wasn’t enough; she had to have three of them. Brittney now considers her Saints as family, and for a first-time dog owner, she’s adjusting quite well to them.

“I got these boys during the pandemic. They all three came within a year-and-a-half, so these boys kind of trickled into my life, and they’ve been the most magical experience ever,” Brittney says. I never really had dogs before; I always had cats. So, we kind of stormed the pandemic together.”

Her Saint Bernard family consists of Chubbers, Worf, and the newest addition, Odo. Chubbers weighs around 145 pounds, so his name fits him quite well! He’s the oldest of the bunch, just turning one-and-a-half this month. Worf weighs 135 pounds and is just over a year old. Finally, Odo is the baby of the family; he’s four months old and weighs just 55 pounds.

“Odo didn’t come until recently, but Chubbers and Worf and I, we’re at home all day, every day. I decided that I needed something really positive and wholesome to do, so I started an Instagram for them, just for fun,” Brittney says, “and it’s been the most wholesome and positive experience to just play with the boys, do things that just bring them happiness, and then capture their special moments. I just wouldn’t want it any other way.”

If you check out their Instagram page, you’ll experience cuteness overload. There’s no shortage of videos or photos of them cuddling, playing, and just being the lovable dogs they are. They enjoy spending time running around outside, but they also love to chill on the couch too. Due to their size, the Saint Bernard especially needs a lot of room to exercise.

The trio of Saint Bernards can be a handful, but they’re worth it!

“They are the biggest love bugs you could ever imagine. They all just need love, they all need cuddles. Chubbers especially. He needs to have one-on-one cuddle time with mommy and daddy every day,” Brittney says.

“Worf, he’s very different. He is spunky. He’s ready to play; he is something special. And then Odo, he is still growing into his personality. Odo is about three-and-a-half months old right now. But, so far, he’s just this chirpy little guy that wants to play and bumble around, and he just couldn’t be happier.”

The dogs’ personalities complement one another, which explains why they get along so well. Being the largest of the bunch, Chubbers doesn’t have the same energy as puppy Odo. That’s okay, though, because Worf makes up for it with his lively personality. When Chubbers gets tired, Worf steps in to play with Odo, who’s got energy for days, it seems. They’re just one big, happy Saint Bernard family, and it shows!

“Just a month ago, we moved from kind of a suburban area to a ten-acre farm because it really is my goal in life to just bring as much happiness to these boys as I possibly can,” Brittney says. “They have stolen my entire heart; I can’t really imagine my world without them now.”

Now, the Saint Bernards have a lot of room to spread out being on the farm! It’s the perfect environment for a dog family to grow up in. However, while these dogs are very loving, affectionate, and friendly, they’re not for everyone. If you live in a small apartment, have young children, or spend a lot of time away from home, you might consider other breeds.

A few facts and important info about the Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards can get anxious being alone for long periods of time. They need lots of attention and love from their owners. Because of their size, they’re not recommended for people who have small children. The Saint Bernard may accidentally knock over the child during playtime. However, they’re warm and affectionate with everyone, including strangers.

Brittney offers some advice for anyone interested in these beautiful dogs:

“If you are in the market for adopting one of these special types of boys, a Saint Bernard – fair warning: you’ll spend about 20% of your life vacuuming, and you’re just going to have to embrace the slobber.”

The Saint Bernard sheds a lot, so you’ll want to make sure you have a lint roller handy! Also, make sure to buy a de-shedder to decrease the amount of hair in your home. It’s also important to note that this may not be the dog for you if you’re a neat freak. In addition to the drool and hair, the Saint Bernard may also track in mud and dirt. They’re not the most meticulous when it comes to keeping clean, but they certainly make up for it with their loving nature.

Essential facts about the Saint Bernard:

  • Dog breed group: working dogs
  • Height: 2 feet, 2 inches to 2 feet, 6 inches tall at the shoulder
  • Weight: 120 to 180 pounds
  • Lifespan: 8 – 10 years on average

Final thoughts about the trio of Saint Bernards that won over the Internet

While Saint Bernards may not be suited for everyone, Brittney has fallen in love with her saintly trio. They do everything together, and she captures the special moments on video for the world to see. She loves having them around, but she also enjoys sharing the joy with others.

“It makes me happy when I can bring others happiness with the goofy videos and the fun pictures that I take of my boys. It’s just been such a magical experience,” Brittney says.

Saint Bernards seem to have an endless supply of love and cuddles to give. Not only that, but they’re easygoing and make wonderful family pets. Do you know anyone with a Saint Bernard or own one yourself? We’d love to hear about your experience with these beautiful dogs in the comments!

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