Al Roker Thanks Kind People Who Helped Him When Stranded

Al Roker’s shared story once again proves that kind and generous people exist.

The Today Show weatherman Al Roker and his wife, Deborah Roberts, found themselves stranded after their car wouldn’t start one evening. They’d just finished dinner at the Blue Plate restaurant in Chatham, New York, and realized their car battery had died.

However, with it being a Friday night, many people were around to ask for help. So, they took their chances and asked a stranger to jump-start their car. Luckily, the first people they asked had jumper cables and showed them some kindness.

Both Al Roker and Deborah Roberts shared the story on their Instagram accounts. Al even took a picture with the kind people who saved their day. The generous couple stood in the background while Al gave a big thumbs up over the opened hood of the car.

Al Roker Thanks Generous Strangers for the Kindness

“I left the lights on [in] our car during dinner and the battery died,” shared Al Roker on his Instagram. “But these nice folks gave us a jump!! Jump started our weekend!!”

Roberts also shared her version of the evening on her Instagram page.


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“The kindness of strangers,” Roberts wrote in a post. “After a nice dinner, a bummer. The car battery was dead. What to do? I took a chance and approached a stranger for jumper cables. And Phil and his sweet family came to the rescue! No 5-mile walk for us tonight! Yay, Phil. Thanks for the #kindness @alroker.”

One person commented that the couple had angels watching over them, while another said, “Kindness still exists.” Another person wrote, “Good things happen to good people!!”

Maybe they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or, perhaps fate intervened and urged the positive people to cross paths with Al Roker to fix his car. The universe works in mysterious ways sometimes, but luckily, it seemed to work in their favor that evening.

While Al Roker exercises regularly, he was thankful he didn’t have to walk five miles back home that night. If the kind strangers hadn’t come along, he might have had no other options. At least he learned a valuable lesson about turning off the car lights to save the battery!

He Jumped Right Back to His Routine the Next Day

After driving home that Friday night, Al Roker returned to his exercise regimen over the weekend. He posted an Instagram video of him and his wife walking Sunday morning as part of the Today 30-day walking challenge.

“And look who’s out on the road already. It’s Deborah Roberts,” Roker said in the video clip, giving his wife a high-five as she ran past him.

“Look at her go. There she goes. She’s going a lot faster than I’m going, but it’s not how fast you go. It’s what you get done, right?” he added.

Alluding to Friday night’s events, one Instagram user jokingly commented, “No jump-start needed this morning?”

Al Roker made sure to pay the act of kindness forward just a week later. On a Today Show episode, Adrienne Patterson drove 655 miles specifically to see Al in celebration of her 65th birthday.

Unfortunately, Al Roker took the day off to help his son pack for college. However, the meteorologist still called in to thank the woman for driving such a long distance to meet him! He also wished her a happy birthday during the call.


Al Roker Helped Others in Their Time of Need

In another Today show episode in April 2020, the popular weatherman surprised R3 food bank workers in San Antonio, Texas. The food bank worked hard to supply citizens with groceries and supplies during the pandemic. Many people had lost their jobs and relied on local food banks to put food on the table.

Al Roker reached out to two workers who had been delivering meals to needy people. Juan Ramos and Angela Williams worked tirelessly to ensure their community had enough to eat during a difficult time.

Al connected with them on a video chat, saying, “The things that you have been doing for your communities just kind of blew us away when we heard about it, so we wanted to do something for you to help you continue your mission.”

He told them to open their front door to reveal their surprise. The Today Show donated thousands of dollars worth of groceries to help keep the food bank stocked. Groceries lined the street in front of Juan and Angela’s homes, a moving sight in uncertain times.

Al Roker also ensured that some of the groceries and supplies would go to Angela. When he learned that she’d lost her job and relied on food banks to survive, he wanted to help however he could. She was touched by the gesture and invited the team over for dinner if they ever came to San Antonio.

Juan also thanked Al and the Today team for the heartfelt donation. He said that the R3 food bank had served at least 4,000 meals since the outreach program began. In an interview with Today, he said, “It’s not an option not to do what we’re doing. We’re going to do this. We’re going to help people.”

Perhaps we can learn a valuable lesson from Al Roker and the strangers who helped him. When we give to others unconditionally, the universe always returns the favor when we need it most.

al roker

Final Thoughts on Kind People Helping Al Roker

The heartwarming story of strangers helping Al Roker and his wife went viral on social media. After going out for dinner, the couple tried to start their car and realized the battery had died.

Desperate for help, they asked people around them if they could jump-start the car. Sure enough, a kind couple had jumper cables and quickly got the car back up and running.

Sometimes, we stumble upon the perfect people to help us in a difficult situation. Al and his wife expressed their gratitude for the couple’s help, and Al made sure to pay it forward.

The post Al Roker Thanks Kind People Who Helped Him When Stranded appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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