Hey there, did you know that nature deficit disorder is an actual thing? Many of us crave time outdoors, and science is beginning to show us why: Spending even a brief time in nature is a simple way to detox your mental outlook, ease stress, and boost creativity.
In fact, a study involving 11,000+ adults showed that those who lived more than 1 km (0.6 mi) away from green space were 42 percent more likely to report high stress levels. They also had the worst scores on evaluations of general health, vitality, and mental health.
You don’t need to immerse yourself in miles of untouched wilderness to reap the benefits of nature. Find a park near your home or workplace and make a point of visiting it. As little as 20 minutes in a green space can restore your tired brain and promote happiness!
As you probably know by now, each week of alive’s 12 Months of Wellness focuses on one mini goal as a stepping stone toward the bigger monthly objective. You’ll find the weekly focuses with key tips below. You can also download, screenshot, or print out our PDF calendar with daily to-dos.