Are you going through a crisis? These 10 phrases will help you keep going

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Entrepreneurship is a labor of love, and like any great love, that means a lot of passion and persistence to get to “and they lived happily ever after.” There are some setbacks, failures and successes, but all those curves are what make entrepreneurship great.

The only ingredient you will need for the journey is persistence. It can take you further than anything else. We share 10 phrases about persistence and passion to help you continue the journey.

1. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin.

The power to keep going will overcome all obstacles. Combine that with the energy and passion so that you see new options, you will overcome the challenges and you will reach your goals.

2. “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful and talented men. Neither do geniuses. Geniuses not rewarded is almost a proverb. Nor does education. The world is full of educated slobs. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. ” Calvin Coolidge.

Persistence can overcome almost any challenge. When you put your mind to something and are willing to do everything possible, including patience, taking the time, and adjusting your strategy to get there, you will know the omnipotence of determination.

3. “Patience, persistence and perspiration are an indestructible combination for success.” Napoleon Hill.

It is important to want things, to have goals and aspirations, but it is even more important to take action to achieve it. Thoughts alone will not get you to the goal, you will need to do the work necessary to achieve the goals.

4. “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.” Colin Powell.

The qualities that will help you achieve your goals are the same qualities that are necessary for great leadership. As an entrepreneur, you are most likely a leader, so quality to inspire as well as persevere will be key to your personal growth.

5. “You may encounter many defeats, but you will not be defeated. In fact, you may need to face those defeats so that you can know who you are, how you can get up, and how you can get out of there. ” Maya angelou

Perseverance is the ability to move on after a loss. Don’t define every stumble or failure, they are there to make you stronger. Try to see the other lessons that come and that form you as you go.

6. “Ambition is the way to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. ” Bill bradley

It’s easy to see successful people and think they were born that way. The reality is that each successful individual was ambitious and relentless. Persistence is the vehicle you should be most interested in.

“If you’re going through a bad time, keep going”, Winston Churchill / Image:

7. “Paralyze resistance with persistence.” Woddy hayes

Sometimes feelings of defeat, failure, and anxiety will surprise you. When they do, try to fuel your courage rather than exacerbate your fears. Overcome resistance with relentless persistence.

8. “If you are going through a bad time, move on.” Winston churchill

Some parts of the journey will be heavy and difficult, but the only thing that can make it worse is giving up. Make the fight worthwhile by being persistent.

9. “Champions keep playing until they get it right.” Billy jean king

If you want to become a champion in life and in your niche, keep going. No matter what difficulties you face, learn to keep playing until you are successful.

10. “If you can’t fly, run, if you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl. No matter what you do, keep moving forward. ” Martin Luther King Jr.

Some days the actions you take will be great, others you will accomplish very little, but keep moving forward to persevere and succeed.

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