Player Who Cut GTA Online Load Times by 70% Rewarded With $10K

Expect GTA Online to get an official patch containing the load time fix soon.

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16, 2021

2 min read

This story originally appeared on PCMag

Last month, a GTA Online player who was frustrated by very slow loading times decided to “get to the bottom of this.” Sure enough, they did, and managed to cut the loading times by 70%. The player, who goes by the name t0st, is now being rewarded in two ways by Rockstar Games.

As PCGamer reports, Rockstar investigated what t0st had achieved by producing an unofficial patch to significantly reduce load times in the game. The patch fixes a single thread CPU bottleneck, which occurs when GTA Online loads, and Rockstar agrees it’s something that could be fixed, so it’s doing just that.

“After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that player t0st did, in fact, reveal an aspect of the game code related to load times for the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved,” the company said in a statement. “As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in a forthcoming title update.”

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GTA Online players will be pleased to hear load times are going to be reduced permanently very soon, but Rockstar also had a surprise for t0st. As a reward for discovering, explaining, and offering a fix the problem, t0st has been awarded $10,000 through Rockstar’s H1 in-game bounty program, which is usually reserved for identifying security issues.

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