Check These Spring Financial Tasks Off Your List

spring tasks

Taxes get all the attention each spring, but there are some other spring financial tasks that you might be forgetting about. Tax day has moved to May 17th this year, but that doesn’t mean other key deadlines have changed. 

Here are some additional tasks to take care of this time of year:

Spring Financial Tasks: IRA Withdrawal Deadline

Did you or a loved one recently turn 72? If so, mark April 1st on your calendar. That’s the deadline for taking your first required minimum distribution (RMD) after turning 72. 

Not sure how much you’ll need to take? The IRS has worksheets to help you figure out what your first RMD will be. 

Small Business Quarterly Tax Filing Date

May 17th is the tax day for individuals, but April 15th is still the first quarter estimated tax payment day for most small business owners. Missing a deadline could result in fines, and the longer you wait, the higher those fines will be. 

(Note: If your business is an S corporation or a partnership, your payment is due March 15. You can find the full list of tax filing dates here.)

Fortunately, quarterly taxes can be paid easily online.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is the perfect time to sort through your financial documents and information. You’ll already be pulling documents out to do your taxes, so it’s a great opportunity to get organized.

Think about what frustrated or worked for you this year. Was it a headache getting all your tax information together? Create a system now to make things easier on yourself next year.

Did you struggle to find important paperwork or information when you needed it? Invest in a better filing system, and take some time to declutter and sort.

Did your financial information and budgets end up dispersed across multiple random spreadsheets? Look for software or apps that can help bring all of that information into one area.

You can also get some ideas from these previous posts to get a jump start on your spring organizing:

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

How Decluttering Can Save You Money

Minimalism vs. Frugality: How to Use Them to Improve Your Life

About Your Richest Life

At Your Richest Life, Katie Brewer, CFP®, believes everyone should have access to financial resources and coaching. For more information on the services offered, contact Katie today.



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