De-Bunking Six Common Myths About Substance Addiction

Substance addiction in the media is portrayed as a choice. In reality, substance addiction is more of a disease than a life path. Nobody truly wants to live their life as an addict. There are so many stereotypes, misconceptions, and myths about substance addiction, that it has become important to highlight the truth of the matter.

Let’s explore…

The 6 Most Common Myths Associated with Substance Addiction

Myth #1: Addicts Can Stop, They Just Don’t Want To

Addiction is a very powerful disease. It is not as simple as waking up one day and deciding to quit. Your brain and your body develop a dependence on this substance that is hard to dismiss. Therefore, addicts need to work on themselves a lot to stop.

Myth #2: Rehab Won’t Work on Me

Not all rehabs are the same. Sometimes, recovery involves a bit of trial and error. You may find that one program is extremely effective, but you may relapse during your stay at another center. Certain rehabs, like the Drug Rehab Louisville, emphasize that they are committed to helping patients achieve long-term sobriety.

Myth #3: Prescription Medicine Is Safe to Use

Drugs that are prescribed by doctors seem harmless because they are coming from a medical professional. However, prescription drugs, like opioid painkillers, are very strong and can cause severe addictions. Once the prescription runs out, patients are left to their own devices and search for other similar highs.

Myth #4: Rehab Isn’t an Option Unless Your Rich

A lot of families won’t even consider rehab as an option because they believe that it’s not within their reach. Rehab can be expensive; however, many insurance policies will cover some costs associated with drug rehab. You can also seek out financial aid or enquire about any payment plans your rehab center may offer.

Myth #5: You Can Only Get Addicted to Hard Drugs

When people talk about addiction, they usually visualize an addiction to hard substances such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamines. However, alcohol, weed, vaping, and nicotine are also very common and dangerous addictions. Young people especially have developed severe addictions to vaping and nicotine.

Myth #6: Once an Addict, Always an Addict

Finally, the biggest myth out there surrounding addiction is that once you are an addict, you are always an addict. Everyone can make a lifestyle change and leave addiction to the side.

It won’t be easy, but it is achievable.

Many addicts will relapse multiple times before they find the strength to change their routine and lead a completely sober lifestyle.

The most important truth about substance addiction is that there is always a way out. Getting back to a sober lifestyle may be one of the most challenging chapters of an addict’s life.

However, it is very much possible for an addict to set aside their addictions and choose a different lifestyle. For them an addict to change, they will need plenty of support, determination, and hard work.

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