Experts Reveal 6 Ways To Overcome Fear And Live Life To The Fullest

4.    Use Your Thoughts Productively and Positively

Fears are part of your thoughts, and they take up a lot of your mental energy. Instead of wasting your thoughts on them, try and spin your beliefs to more positive ground. Here are some ways that counseling psychology expert, courage coach, and author Tess Marshall recommends you positively use your thoughts:

·         Don’t Devote Excess Energy To Fear

It’s okay to feel bad sometimes. But there’s a limit to how much energy you should give to fear. Please don’t give it excess attention, time, or energy. Save all of that effort for finding solutions and living your life!

·         Make Positive Thinking Dominant

Negative thoughts only attract more negativity. By making sure your dominant thoughts are usually positive, you’re attracting more positive thinking into your life.

·         Think Of Victories

Whenever your fear gets to you, think of your achievements. Please think of how well you did, how capable you are, and how amazing it felt to succeed. Hold onto that and use those thoughts against fear.

·         Don’t Get Stuck On What You Lack

You’re always going to be “missing” something in life. Instead of being caught up in scarcity, fill yourself with gratitude. Gratitude is known to work wonders on positive thinking, according to studies, so live your life that way and leave fear behind.

5.    Make A Plan

So, you now know that you definitely want to leave fear in the past and truly live your life. Great! But how can you go about it? Morin recommends making a plan of some kind or listing down goals. It’s common knowledge in academic circles that goal-setting is crucial to positive success! Here are some tips for making plans:

·         Make A Timeline

Generic goals like “I want to publish a book one day” are too loose and vague, and there’s nothing in them that boosts productivity. Create a general timeline of when you want to achieve different steps along the way to that big goal. “Someday” isn’t a definite time, and your fear can allow you to always keep “someday” in the future.

·         Set Short-Term Goals

Breaking down big goals into smaller chunks is a great way to ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed. It allows you to easily follow a path towards success made up of small, easily noticeable checkpoints. Your fear will be less powerful when you can clearly see the progress being made.

·         Look Before You Leap

Before you make huge decisions or take big risks, make sure you have a plan for what you’ll do in the event of failure. For example, you shouldn’t quit your job right away if a failure in your goals would render you homeless. Think about things and formulate a plan before going for your dreams. There’s a difference between being brave and being foolish!

·         Take Steps Daily

Find ways to make little steps towards your goals every day. Turning goal progress into a habit helps relieve some fear as you see just how well you can work towards something!

6.    Respect and Believe In Yourself

If you truly want to overcome fear, you must believe that you can, and you must value yourself enough to try. A lack of self-esteem and constant self-deprecating won’t get you anywhere. Here’s how Ellis recommends taking steps to respect and believe in yourself to overcome fear:

·         Trust In Yourself

You’ve had your fair share of bad days and bad experiences, and yet you emerged through them all unscathed. You have overcome all the struggles of your past, and you can continue to break through obstacles and barriers, even if it’s difficult.

·         Know Your Power

You have strengths, skills, and abilities that make you a capable person. So whenever your fear rears its head, remember how strong and amazing you are. Reassess negative thoughts about yourself – why do you have those beliefs? Isn’t it time to put them to rest?

·         Know Your Worth

Over the past years of your life, you may have received many subliminal or even direct messages that degrade your worth. But no matter what anyone says, one thing remains true: you are worthy of love, success, of your dreams, and happiness. You, just as you are, are enough.

live life to the fullest

Life is beautiful when lived to the fullest. But fear, anxiety, and worries of all kinds can stop people from seeing that beauty. It’s easy to get lost in fear and allow such emotions to hold you back. You deserve better than to be trapped in one place forever. So step out of your comfort zone, face your fears, and go live the life you’re worthy of.

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