2020 was the year that will be remembered as the year that brought a lot of changes for the human race. It was the year when everything we thought we knew and lived by was quickly changed. Some new normals became a lifestyle and everything depended on maintaining social distance.
Many businesses and economies were put to test whether they will survive the pandemic or not. Many people were left without work and jobs. Many industries saw what it means to have your stores and offices closed. Some of those who felt the direct influence of the pandemic were the beauty salons, hair salons, fashion stores, etc – places where women gladly went and spend their hard-earned money.
Here is how the perception of fashion and beauty changed for women during the pandemic:
Women started practicing self-care
In the first months of the pandemic, when everyone was quarantining and staying at home, women saw the opportunity to do something for themselves. The busy lifestyle, the stress, and the constant lack of time were among the reasons that many women were forgetting about themselves, putting themselves first, and practicing self-care. It was just the right time to turn the attention to themselves and the care for their beauty.

The skincare routine became a must
One of the ways that most of the women found very encouraging was the opportunity not to have to wear makeup. This came closely connected to the new skincare routines that a large number started practicing regularly. The skincare routine and sticking to it an important and significant part of the beauty of a woman. Although everyone is striving to achieve a timeless youthful look, having a good and regular skincare routine comes as a highly suggested and appreciated process that certainly helps in that way.
Bathrooms were transformed into at-home spas
With the spas and the beauty saloon being closed, the next best thing for enjoying so me-time was relaxing in at-home conditions. Although this is not something new, many women have forgotten how good is to enjoy at-home spa rituals. Bubbly bath, nice music, a glass of wine and just losing up became a regular weekly thing. This was accompanied by the at-home manicure and pedicure treatments, sheet mask, and all other beauty approaches that one can do at home.

Loungewear became all-day wear
Who would have thought that all of the days would be spent wearing cozy and comfortable loungewear. This break in dressing up for work came just in time and added to the entire change of scenery that women were experiencing. Feeling comfortable and cozy in soft and nice clothes during the entire day became the new normal that everyone wished would practice more.
The smart and elegant clothes were changed with sportswear
With running quick errands and everything on lockdown, sportswear and sports attire became one of the most common and popular clothing choices. Leggings, oversized hoodies, sweatshirts, sneakers were an unavoidable part of every woman’s outfit during the time of lockdowns and pandemics. There was simply no need for shopping for clothes. The stores were closed and there was no place where you could wear clothes. Everything became different, and women enjoyed that pause that allowed them to feel more relaxed in terms of clothing and dressing.
These changes made women think deeper about the meaning of beauty and fashion. In terms of beauty, women were starting to see that their marks, wrinkles, and any other marks are what makes them a person. That every wrinkle on the face or mark on the body holds a different story. And they create an individual story. The so-called “self-revelation” came just in time when acceptance, diversity, and inclusivity are being hot topics, as well as women’s empowerment. This was the right time for each woman to see what she has achieved so far, what is her legacy, and if there is more to do. And there is more to do. Always!
In terms of fashion, with online shopping, the desire for new and nice clothes quickly returned, reminding the women in general that the good days of “retail therapy” will be back. Dressing up and shipping for some long-desired pieces and accessories come faster than expected and proved, once again, that women love to shop. Women love fashion. It is in women’s genes to look for something nice and beautiful, to dress up, and to feel strong and confident in the clothes that you are wearing.
Looking from this point, the perspective of how women perceived beauty and fashion has changed then it was before. The money was allocated for some other things, and when the health was in question, nobody thought about looking good and being well-dressed – at home. But, with the introduction of online working, online conferences, zoom meetings, etc, the need and the necessity for a respectable look quickly returned. However, the days in the leggings and loungewear will never be forgotten.
During the pandemic, the fashion and the beauty industry took a different approach to deliver the new trends, a new way to keep the customers and the audience interested, and on top of the news. By virtually presenting and marketing the novelties, women were keeping track of what is going on behind the closed doors of the fashion stores and the drugstores.
Today, women, in general, are gladly waiting for the day when they will be able to put on lipstick, get their hair done and enjoy cocktails with their friends in some nice bars and restaurants.