Peasant couple accidentally planted the world’s most expensive mangoes and now need private security

22, 2021

6 min read

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Sometimes wealth is the product of effort and hard work, and other times it is mere luck. That is clear to the peasant couple Rani and Sankalp Parihar , who accidentally planted some of the most expensive mangoes in the world . Now they have Miyazaki mango trees whose cost per kilo is around 270,000 rupees (about $ 3,630 or 74,600 Mexican pesos).

The story of these horticulturists, inhabitants of the city of Jabalpur, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, seems like something out of a movie. It all started four years ago, when the Parihar went to Chennai, in the south of the country, to buy some trees to plant. On the train he met a mysterious man who offered him the valuable plants.

“He offered me these saplings and asked me to take care of them like our babies. We planted them in the orchard without knowing what variety of mangoes they would produce, ” Sankalp told The Times of India .

In 2020, when the trees grew and began to bear fruit, they noticed that they were very different from other more common types of mangoes. These had a rather unusual intense ruby color.

“Since I didn’t know the name of this variety, I named the fruit after my mother Damini. Later, we did research on this variety and found the real name. But he’s still Damini for me , “Parihar added.

To his surprise, they turned out to be Miyazaki mangoes originating in Japan, which are among the most expensive in the world.

According to Japanese media, last year each kilo of this variety had a price of 270,000 rupees in the international market , that is, about 3,630 dollars or 74,600 Mexican pesos. And if you only want one piece, it will cost you about $ 50 (about 1,000 MXN).

Luck has a price

News of the rare Miyazaki mangoes spread throughout the town, attracting potential buyers and criminals alike. Parihar says that last year thieves broke into her orchard and stole 14 mangoes. Fortunately, they managed to save the trees and will be able to continue producing the valuable fruits.

After the incident, the farmers decided to hire three security guards and nine dogs to protect the rare trees and the seven mangoes they own. Also known as ‘sun eggs’ , they are rarely grown in India and considered a luxury gift in Japan.

Rani noted that they have also been contacted by various mango growers and fruit lovers. For example, a businessman offered to buy just one of his mangoes for 21,000 rupees ($ 282 or 5,775 Mexican pesos).

“A Mumbai jeweler is willing to pay whatever price we quote. But I have clearly said that we will not sell it to anyone. We will use the fruits to grow more plants , ”Rani Parihar said bluntly.

Currently, the couple own a total of 150 Miyazaki mango trees , of which only four are bearing fruit.

Why is Mango Miyazaki so expensive?

The Miyazaki mango is the second most expensive in the world , only behind the Noor Jahan mango, which is grown in Afghanistan. This variety was cultivated for the first time in 1984, in the Japanese city of the same name. Currently, it is considered one of the most expensive fruits on the planet and is only found in countries such as Bangladesh , Indonesia and the Philippines .

To develop to fruit, Miyazaki mango trees require a warm climate and long hours of sunshine. Mangoes of this type are distinguished by their ruby red color and their egg-like shape. They weigh between 350 and 900 grams, their peel is edible and they have 15% more sugar than other varieties, which makes them extremely sweet, according to the India Today medium.

“It is expensive because its production is very low and its flavor is very sweet. It looks very different. People abroad give away these mangoes, “ said RS Katara, deputy director of the Madhya Pradesh horticulture department.

The official claimed that he inspected the orchard and confirmed that the fruit is rare in India. He also indicated that they will re-examine the fruit before promoting it to farmers.

“I asked some local scientists to go and inspect the tree and the fruit to see if it is real or hybrid and why it is so expensive,” said GS Kaushal, former director of the Madhya Pradesh horticulture department. “People should only grow it after scientists approve of the quality of this mango .”

Also a team of scientists from the Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University of Jabalpur are planning to study the mangoes, confirmed their secretary Rewa Singh Sisodia said.

While they are pears or apples (or authentic Miyazaki mangoes), the two horticulturists have become local celebrities and, if they know how to capitalize wisely on the windfall, they could become millionaires with the fortune that, in their case, is falling from the trees .

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