The Healthiest and Unhealthiest Cities in the US

Not surprisingly, people living in the healthiest cities in the U.S. share some common characteristics thanks to their access to quality healthcare, nutritious food sources, clean air, accessible workout facilities, and public green spaces.

The unhealthiest cities in the country often lack some or all of these benefits. As a result, their residents may deal with a long list of health issues and are more likely to develop obesity or engage in harmful behaviors like smoking and a lack of physical activity.

Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn, Arlington, Virginia, USA city skyline on the Potomac River.

When it comes to taking part in healthy behaviors, Arlington ranks high on the list of the fittest cities. A large percentage of the residents report good or excellent levels of health with low rates of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. A majority perform regular exercise that includes both aerobic and strength activities.

Plus, fewer people who live here are smokers. Despite its small size, the city provides many parks and other outdoor public spaces, which research shows encourage better physical activity.

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