The Top 10 Best Plant-Based Sources of Iron

Iron plays an important role in our bodies. We need it to make certain hormones as well as hemoglobin, which is what carries oxygen to our lungs and muscles. When we’re deficient in iron, we may experience symptoms like fatigue, chest pains, or dizziness. Luckily, there are many plant-based iron sources to ensure you’re reaching your recommended daily amount.


The iron in plants is nonheme which means it can be hard to absorb. So, we need a little extra help to make sure we’re getting enough of it.


Leafy greens

Leafy greens have many health benefits. Studies suggest they may slow cognitive decline and reduce the chance of developing heart disease. They even have the potential to improve anemia, a disease caused by chronically low iron levels. Two examples of leafy greens high in iron are spinach and Swiss chard. One cup of cooked spinach has over 6 mg of iron, and 1 cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 4 mg in 1 cup.

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